Chapter 11: Forever in My Dreams

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Chapter 11: Forever in My Dreams

You know that feeling, the feeling of peace and serenity in dreams? When everything is calm, right before the main part of the climaxing dream comes into play? That's how I felt. I felt calm as I laid next to Cody in the woods. But like in most dreams I found myself suddenly in another scene. Cody and I were walking hand in hand on the beach.

"Makes you miss home, huh?" Cody questioned me, looking deeply into my eyes.

"It makes me miss so many things, not just the beach at home," I say mysteriously. At the time I felt like everything was real, it was real, I thought it was real. 

Another flash of scenery and Cody and I were sitting in a practically empty movie theater as the rolling credits played for a movie we hadn't payed attention to because we were too busy throwing popcorn at each other.

Cody paused, holding a kernel in his hand, poised to aim at my head. "Jess," he whispered. 

"Yes?" I whispered back, suddenly breathless. I had known for a while earlier that I was falling in love with this dumb Australian but every time I look into his eyes I find myself falling, falling, falling again.

Cody leaned forward until his nose was gently touching mine, "I'm so glad you lost that surfing competition," he said seriously before pressing his lips against mine in the most delicate manner. When I opened my eyes and pulled back to take a breath I found myself lying on his bed. Cody was leaning over my small frame, kissing my neck. I took a long look at him and saw subtle changes in his face, he looked older than before. What was happening? This Cody leaned forward again to place a more passionate kiss on my lips.

This time when I opened my eyes I was sitting in a drab office with a set of keys swinging around my finger. I looked to my left and saw my dad smiling proudly at me as the women handed me my drivers license. I stood up with exaggerated excitement and we ran outside to where my amazing new car was parked. I sat down and felt the power behind the wheel and closed my eyes and sighed.

However, when I opened my eyes Cody and I were sitting in my dinning room with the rest of my family. I glanced out the window and saw Christmas lights on the neighboring houses. I turned back to my family and saw everyone was staring curiously at me.

"Sorry, did you say something?" I asked, suddenly embarrassed.

"Yes darling, we were just wondering how your exams went at school, junior year is pretty tough huh?" My mom asked me. Wait, what? Junior year? I felt myself having a hard time breathing suddenly and closed my eyes. Faintly in the background I swear I could hear a machine beeping rapidly and someone yelling about having a hard time getting oxygen into someone's lungs.

I opened my eyes once more to a completely different scene. I was sitting in a crowd of teenagers dressed identically to me. We were all wearing a cape and gown. I was graduating. I heard my name being called on stage and with a huge smile on my face I accepted my certificate before searching the crowd, finding my whole family and Cody sitting as close as they could get, smiling proudly up at me. I waved my slip of paper in the air and walked off stage.

This new change of scene I was unsure of where I was. I looked around me, seeing an empty hotel room. There was a knock on the heavy door and I slowly got off the fluffy bed and opened it. Cody barged in, saying "Sorry babe, I must have left my room key in here.." I stepped back against the wall. Cody looked so different. His hair was shorter and his jawline was outrageously sharp, he looked amazing but he was not the boy I had last seen. This Cody was a man.

"Everything okay babe?" He said looking up from his bag of stuff lying on the desk that hotel rooms always have. "Uh yeah. I'm fine sorry."

He looked at me curiously before shrugging his shoulders, "Have you seen my wallet Jess?"

I was overcome by the knowledge that I did know where it was. I just knew, as if I was there when he left it on the nightstand. Cautiously, I walked over there and looked inside to see his license. His Californian license said he was 22. How in the world could he be 22? I remember him being 15, no 16, wait. How old am I? What was going on? I tossed his wallet at Cody, who looked up just in time to watch it hit in the face. "Oh my gosh! Sorry Cody!" I exclaimed running over to him. He looked up at me. I could see in his eyes he was angry but his faced slowly changed from a frown to a smirk and I saw a sly twinkle in his eyes before he grasped me in his strong embrace. He picked me up and plopped me down on the bed. He leaned over me and kissed me passionately. Being in his arms felt so right, but I couldn't shake the feeling of fear as to why I couldn't remember being this old. I remember being like 14, right before high school. How did I suddenly become 21 or 22 or something?

Cody pulled back from our kiss and asked, 'Are you ready? I have the whole date planned out!" I looked down at my outfit for the first time and saw I was wearing a heavenly sundress. "I guess so," I said playfully. Cody took me hand and led me out of the hotel room. When we got to his car he helped me into the seat before placing a blindfold over my eyes. "Deja vu huh?" I say with a laugh, remembering our first date. I felt Cody get into the drivers side and make his way to wherever we were headed.

It was another 45 minutes before I felt Cody stop the car. He once again helped me down and led me onto a well worn path. As we trekked our way through what felt like a forest I found the growing sense of Deja vu become overpowering. With a sudden movement Cody took off my blindfold and I found myself standing in the same place we had our first date. The trees were filled with twinkling lights and Cody standing before me with the biggest smile I've ever seen plastered on his face.

"Oh my gosh Cody! It's exactly like I remember it. How did you pull this off?"

"It doesn't matter Jess. All that matters is that we're here together." I took a thorough look at him and saw the boy I was here with so many years ago in the man I had fallen in love with.

"Jessica," he began, pulling me closer to him, "Jessica, I love you. I love you with my whole being and with that thought in mind," He slowly lowered himself onto one knee, "I would be honored if you would become my wife. Jessica Walter, will you marry me?"

"Oh Cody, I love you too. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Cody and I leaned forward until our lips were barely a centimeter apart. I sighed and he closed the gap gently. I closed my eyes as Cody and I continued kissing, feeling utterly protected. But once again I opened my eyes to a new place.

I took a slow turn and saw I was in a church, elegantly decorated in white and filled with family and friends. Most of the people I saw I didn't actually recognize yet at the same time, I knew they were my closest friends. I turned back to the front and found myself looking into the love of my life's blue eyes. Cody smiled at me and winked.

"Do you Cody Robert Simpson take Jessica to be your wife?"

"I do," He replied confidently.

"Do you Jessica Autumn Walter take Cody to be your husband?"

I found myself leaning in and smiling, perfectly calm before saying "I do,"

"Now Cody would like to say to say a few words," the officiant said.

I felt myself become a little lightheaded as Cody began speaking. I felt as if his words were echoing around the room and I felt myself become weak as he went on.

"Oh Jessie. How could this have happened to such a beautiful, smart, funny, and wonderfully kind girl? I know you probably can't hear me but I want you to know that none of us will ever forget you. And to me, you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid eyes on. I love you so much. I cannot believe you will never get to experience falling in love, with me or anyone else, driving, graduating, getting married or anything else. I love you Jessica and I'm so sorry about everything."

I felt myself those my footing and fall to the ground but no one seemed to notice. I lay unceremoniously on the steps as my siblings stood up and said how much they would miss me and how their memories of our childhood were the best memories they would ever have. Then my parents stood up. It felt like an eternity as they cried together about how sorry whatever it was had happened and how their girl was never going to experience anything else. I heard the rhythmic beating again but this time it was slowing down. I looked down at my dress. I was no longer in a princess wedding dress; I was in a hospital gown. The beeping was growing slower and softer and I heard different noises that resembled machines slow they whining.

And then everything went black.

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