Chapter 5 -( 20 Quiestions)

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Alex's Pov

I'm currently here at the cafe Me and Jade had met. We've met for about three days ago and guess what. She texted me. She asks me if we can go out and meet up. And she wants to get to know me a lot more better.

I was snap out of my thoughts when the door open revealing the very beautiful Jade Thirlwall. Her yes start to wander around the cafe and then her eyes stop at me. I gave her one of my genuine smile which she return.

She walk towards me and sit at the chair across me.

"Hi" She said.

"Hello" I smile at her.

'Thank you"

"Thank you for what?" I said.

"For showing up" I chuckle at her.

"Ok.. What makes you think I would'nt show up?" I asks her.

"I don't know. I'm not a cool person" She answered.

I laugh at her.

"I'm not cool at all eitheir'' I continue to laugh at her.

"Haha this is awkward" She said.

''So, topic?"I asks her to break the silence.

"What?'' She asks.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Uhm let's play 20 question" Great.

(an: so the italic ones are for Jade and the bold ones are for Alex)

"Full Name?" 

"Alex Marie Horton"





"Favourite Food?"




"Only one" 

"Favourite color?"





"Yes, you hate pink do you?" 


"Brother's name?" 



I laugh at her joke. I clutch my stomach and my eyes getting teary. 

"He did that?" I said still laughing. She nods.

"He did, like Omg that was really funny" We're currently talking about her old classmate. 

"That's so embarrassing" I said. It is clearly is.

"O my, you bet"

"Oh it's getting dark I better go" She said.

"Let me drive you" I suggest.

"Oh no Thanks" She said.

"No it's ok to me actually" I said.

"Well then ok" 

We stand up from our seats and made our way out of the cafe and to my car. She opens the door at the passenger seat while I do the same at the driver seat. I kill the engine and started driving. 

Jade told me where her place is. We started making a small conservation until we reach her place.

"So had a good day" I said.

"Me too bye" She said.

"Call me if you need anything" I said.

"I will bye" She said.

"Bye" I said.


I open the door of my house and go straight to the kitchen. I grab as many food as I can.

"Wow! how can you manage to stay fit huh" My brother Tyler said.

"It's in my DNA, DNA that you din't get" He raised his eyebrow and stare down to me.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well  I don't do diet and go to the gym like every health freak person out there" I said a bit louder.

"Well at least I'm a boy" He smirks at me while I just chuckled.

"Well at least I'm a girl" We burst out laughing knowing we're both gays.


I lay down in bed and started thinking of my little hangout with Jade. She's sweet, nice and beautiful wonder why her boyfriend cheated on her. She's actually amazing and so down-to-earth. Well I think there's one thing we've always been in common. Important persons in our life left us for another people.

I walk towards my shelf and started looking for my secret box. Well not a secret anymore because you know that I had a secret box Okay? Okay. I open it and just stare at it. tears started streaming down my face. 

That asshole will pay someday.


Ok so this is the start of Jalex guys and I leave a bit mystery over there so... 

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