Chapter 14 - Professors, Parents and Portals

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We got to the university just in time to meet with Professor Thompson. Sam and I went in while Maggie and Dean waited outside. The professor was a stocky man with a nice full beard and a jovial round face. He shook our hands emphatically, invited us to sit down, and asked what he could do for us.

I explained that we were writing a novel that dealt with parallel universes, and we wanted to discuss prevailing theory on the subject so we could make it plausible in our book.

He seemed delighted to help, and asked if there was anything specific we'd like to know. I said, "Well say you have two universes that have a lot in common but not everything. Say that history and world events were basically the same, but that some people existed in both worlds and others didn’t. Also, one world had some creatures and objects that didn't exist on the other world. Now say some people accidentally "fell" into a portal to the other world, and were looking for a way to get back.  Realizing that this is obviously a fantasy or sci-fi novel, what can you tell us that might help us make our story at least seem possible?"

The professor sat back in his chair, put his hands together at the fingertips and looked off into space. He said "Hmmm," and then seemed to be lost in thought for a few minutes.

"Well, he said," there have been a number of these types of stories written, of course, and people can do basically what they want with such types of fiction. But there may be a few ideas I can throw your way."

"That would be great," Sam said, smiling.

"Well, first of all, in a scenario as you describe, I would say that the prevailing theory would be that anyone who exists in both worlds could not travel to the other one. Also, if major events are basically the same, there would probably still be individual differences. Even on a individual basis. So say, for example, that I lived on both worlds. I might be a professor of history on one world but of science on the other. I might get a promotion on one world a week or two before I got one on the other. So in general, events and people coincide, but not exactly if you get my drift."

"Yes we do, and that makes sense, thank you. But I have a harder question for you," I said with a grin. What would you say about the idea that on one world a set of people were real living human beings, and on the other one they existed only as fictional characters, say as in a novel or on a TV show."

He looked startled for a moment, then interested. "Now that is an intriguing question. I would have to say though that such a parallel universe could really only exist in the mind of the author, at least as far as present conjecture goes. The concept as you present it, I would think, would be out of the realm of possibility."

Sam then asked, "Professor. Let's say the portal was found, and the people who came through could get back. Other than having a replica on the other planet, what would stop people from the new world from going through to the old one?"

"According to parallel world theory, nothing. But most fiction I've noticed sprinkles a bit of magic into the mix. Who created the portal? It could have been made for specific people.  Or it could have magic on it that prevents certain people from going through. Usually, whoever put it there had some purpose for his or her own ends. It could be a powerful magic user, or maybe even a god or other powerful being." Then he lowered his voice conspiratorially, "Don't tell my colleagues, but I'm a fan of the fictional genre." He grinned at us.

Sam and I looked at each other. After a little more discussion that was interesting but not helpful to our situation, we thanked the professor and took our leave.

When we got back to the others they were leaning against the car, and Dean was on the phone. When he hung up he looked at Sam and said, "Cas needs us."

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