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eddie really didn't like hanging out with anyone, but mike and ben showed up at his house, and invited him to go with them to the quarry, he couldn't say no, since they were already at his house and he didn't want to lose the only friend's that he had. when they arrived at the quarry, ben starts to talk about beverly, and that he likes her, "dude, you can't like one of the bullies." mike says. ben sighs "he's right, ben" eddie says, and pats ben on the back.

in a distance, they see three kids on a bike, as they come closer, they realise that it's richie, beverly and bill. "where's the rest of his gang" ben says, eddie and mike shrug. "h-hey fags" bill say's, "oh, hello, b-b-bill" mike says, richie and his gang don't really tease mike, because he's actually really strong, he's the strongest out of the three of them. ben and eddie laugh at what mike just said, and bill's face becomes red of anger.

they all got off their bikes, and eddie was their first target, they start kicking, and punching him, and eddie wimpers, he looks up for a split second, and sees that ben and mike were gone. he doesn't blame them, though, everytime the gang sees eddie, mike, and ben, they all would attack them at once, but now when there's just three of them, they choose the weakest one.

eddie walked home, since he didn't go on his bike. he wiped his tears, and walked in. "eddie bear? is that you?" eddie's mom says "yeah, its me, ma" eddie says, and walks upstairs, to his room, and closes his door. he sits down, and starts reading x-men. in the middle of the comic, he falls asleep.

it was saturday evening. eddie sat in his kitchen, he was listening to come on eileen on his cassette tape. he went and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, he drew a boy, the boy had big blue eyes, and brown hair, eddie drew another boy, he had brown eyes, and blonde hair, he was holding the other boy's hand. eddie smiled, and drew a heart in the middle of the two boys on the picture. he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

eddie looked at the picture for a while. he hadn't told anyone that he was gay, except ben and mike, ofcourse, but he really wanted to, but he wasn't going to tell his mother, she would have a heart attack, she would disown him. he got anxious, just thinking about the chaos that he would cause if his mom would find out.

the less i know the better - tame impala

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