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    It was a day like any other day. My parents and I were on our way home from picking me up from school. The weather was cold and snow was falling from the grey sky. The roads were starting to become slick and and I hated the feeling of the car sliding on the ice.

    "Mom maybe we should stop." I said to my mom in the front seat. My dad was driving, watching the road intensely. On winter days like this you have to be prepared for anything.

    "We will be okay Maribelle." Mom said turning slightly to look at me. I nodded my head and turned to look out the window. The snow looked pretty falling along the tree line as we drove down the road. I was hoping there wouldn't be any school tomorrow. Yes I love school but at the same time I hate driving to school in the snow. Especially with the dreams I've had. They show horrible things happening and I don't think I would be able to handle the events that happened.

    A few minutes passed by before I looked out the front windshield. We were coming up to a small bend in the road when suddenly a deer jumped out in front of us then the car rolling before everything went black.

    I wasn't sure how much time had passed when I came to. There were people standing over me trying to get my attention but I was more worried about my parents. I turned my head slightly to try and figure out where I was. I knew I was on the ground. Even though they had me on a stretcher I could feel the cold air seeping into my skin. My legs felt heavy so I figured I must have a blanket on them. I looked back the the people standing over me. They had sorrow filled faces and that's when it hit me. They were the only people around. They needed more people to help my parents. Why weren't they helping my parents. My dream had come true. My parents were gone.....and there was nothing I could to bring them back. 

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