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Smoke filled the air, choking me. I had to get to her. I had to save her. She was going to burn if I didn't. I ran towards the source of the smoke, a burning temple. I knew she was still inside. She hadn't been in any condition to move on her own. Just as I went to throw myself into the flames to save her, a sharp pain went across my back. My enemies were still behind me, trying to slow me down. I needed to ignore them. She was the only one that mattered. Yet with this new pain in my back, it hindered my progression into the burning temple. I struggled against the smoke and falling timber to reach her. I found her in a room, fire rampaging on the walls. It was sucking all the oxygen out of the room. I couldn't breathe. I knelt next to her and looked down at her. Her beautiful face, usually so rosy and full of laughter was lifeless and pale. I pulled her up and put my hand to her face. She wasn't breathing. 

"Kagome?!" I coughed, shaking her slightly. 

 "Kagome! Hey wake up for me!"  Laughter sounded next to me.  

"She is dead Inuyasha! You were too late!" 

 I looked over and saw Naraku standing there, his face full of delight. 

 "She is dead and it is all your fault!"  

I looked back down at Kagome's face and felt an anger so intense rise up in me.  

"NO KAGOME!!" I screamed. I pulled her closer to me and felt the tears start to stream down my face. 

 "No I can't have lost you!!! I need you don't you remember that?! Please don't leave me!!!"

Splinters of my soulWhere stories live. Discover now