An opportunity (not a chapter)

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Hey guys! I've been missing for a while now haven't I. I've been commenting, reading, and chatting with people, making friends, but I've had no real time for writing till now. My school just got out so I have no more tests and homework blocking up my time, and I have plenty of inspiration so things should be back to normal. Now for why I wrote this chapter, I'm opening up an opportunity for all of my followers. The wonderful WhatIfBooks suggested that I give the chance for my followers to be shipped with a yogscast member of their choice, and that idea was brilliant! So here are the rules,

• You must be following me

• You only can enter once

• You can do people others have already been shipped with

This is how you enter, pm me and say you want to be shipped, after I check you are following me I will ask who you want to be shipped with. Please reply with a short character description, a topic, and the person you want to be shipped with. Thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown me since I joined, you are all wonderful! ParvsCookies out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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