Sjips- One Good Reason

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Hey! ParvsCookies here with a really old fic I wrote last year. Well hope you enjoy!

ParvsCookies out!


I slowly pulled on my leather boots and laced them. I smoothed the front of my new overalls that Sips had bought me for Christmas, wondering why I was leaving now. I then shook sense back into myself, SipsCo had failed, all that was left was the crumbling buildings, the whirring machines and the short stout man that began it all. I remembered the day we landed in this strange new world and agreed to work together until the end of Tekkitopia, I guess I broke my side of the promise. I looked around the my small room, thinking of any excuses to stay just a bit longer but the only reason I could see was a small black and white photo sticking out of a loose floorboard I hadn't noticed. I slowly walked across the room kneeling down and pulling up on the rotting wood. I saw beneath the planks a chest filled with photos, both color and not. I picked up the one that had caught my eye and automatically knew what it was. Me and Sips had made Nilesy take this picture when we had just manufactured the first peice of dirt. I then looked back to the chest and saw a note that was hidden perfectly within the pictures, it read,

Dear future me

I know of Sjins plans to build a farm and I don't intend to stop him. I know it hurts to see him go but you must be strong, you only will know how much he means when he leaves. Know this, even if he never comes back, even if he can't remember your name, you remember his and you can remember all the times you shared, from guys kidnapping to the big mod switch you will remember. He is the most amazing person you have ever met and everyone must go their own way, and maybe, just maybe, you will meet again.

Be Strong

Past Sips

I mean that much to him, it was so uncanny that the emotionless boss would care so much. I slowly pulled of my knapsack and grabbed a quill and some ink from the front compartment. I then pulled a piece of dirty paper out from the same pocket and started writing.

Dear Sips

You have touched my soul, I will remember your name, your cheery mood and love for dirt. Of I forget your name I do, but I will never forget the times we spent together.

Good Bye

Sjin Sykes

And then I crammed it in the box, taking the first dirt photo and shoving it back where it had been. I then pushed the board back over the memories and walked to the door. As I opened it, I looked back for what seemed like the last time and whispered "goodbye" before closing it and turning away. I walked slowly to the main gate where Sips was waiting. I gave the man a nod as he opened the gate, then he did the same making me almost regret my decision but I kept walking even when I heard the gate close behind me and lock.

For fifty years I've seen his name in the paper, varying different titles such as, 'man revamps dirt sales' and 'from Dirt hovel to factory, the new autobiography by Sips Lovats". I wanted to visit, I really did, but I got caught up in my farm work and never had time, and now I see a headline that breaks my heart, 'The real guy, the best guy, now put to rest.' I remember running to the nearest dock and boarding the next ship to Honeydew Inc for the funeral, and how strange it was to see all my old friends now grayed with age. I asked about what was to be done with the factory and everyone shrugged, I walked over to the looming building. I saw the gates, now rusted in the open position, and the light up sign flickering strangely. I made my way to the pool looking down into where so many memories were made and I could almost see the little strands of black hair sticking out of the grate. I then looked at the housing building and slowly walked up the stairs, I then opened my door and heard the creaks. It looked as if it had not been touched since I left but was covered in a layer of dust. My eyes rested upon a little creaky floorboard and as I pulled it up I saw one thing, a photo. It was black and white and showed a picture of a much younger version of me and Sips, we were standing proudly in front of our first house, the one that branched into fort crappington. I slowly turned the picture over to see smudged, barely visible sentence, never forget. I held the picture for a while before putting it in my pocket and walking out the door. I said goodbye to all my friends and headed home to my wife, Minty and apprentice, Kim.

About a week after I got home a package arrived for me, as I opened the wrappings I saw the box, it had a note strapped to the top. The note read,

Dear Sjin,

By the time you are reading this, I will be dead. I have been feeling the darkness for weeks now and I cannot hold on any longer. I must tell you something I have never dreamed of admitting, you could never find one good reason to make me forget about you. And you would never find one good reason to make me stop myself from meeting you. You have led me to acceptance and the only truth I'll ever need. You.

Goodbye you big dumb babby

Sips Lovats

And now as I lay on my death bed I remember all the times we shared and I agree with some of the final words my best friend put on paper.

You would never find one good reason to stop me from meeting you.

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