she's a handsome woman

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It turns out that Ryan having sex with Brendon was a waste of time because Dallon was not at all interested in dating Brendon.

He needed help with a chemistry test.

Brendon spent all of Saturday night helping Dallon study for the chemistry test that was taking place Monday morning. He'd showered, prepared himself for possibly having sex with Dallon, an when Dallon showed up with his backpack and said, "Thanks for helping me with this. If I don't get my grade up, they'll kick me off the team," he smiled genuinely and Brendon felt sick to his stomach.

It's Monday and the sky is gray, the ground wet from the slight rainfall this morning. Brendon is sitting with Ryan at lunch, staring blankly at his tray of untouched food. Ryan has already eaten half of his lunch when Dallon appears at the table.

Brendon looks up through his glasses and sees Dallon smiling at him.

"Thanks again," Dallon says, his backpack slung over his shoulder. "I'm pretty sure I scored an A on the test. I probably wouldn't have even gotten a B if you didn't help me study."

Ryan looks at Brendon, a questioning eye and Brendon stares up at Dallon, his cheeks turning red.

"No problem," Brendon says, pursing his lips.

Dallon waves and walks away and Brendon puts his head in his hands.

"You guys studied on Saturday?" Ryan asks, and Brendon sighs. "I thought it was a date?"

"You and me both," Brendon slumps in his chair and avoids eye contact with Ryan. "He gave me the impression that we were gonna go on a date. Not a fucking study date. I feel so stupid right now."

"Did you tell him that?" Ryan asks, and Brendon shakes his head.

"I was too busy wallowing in self embarrassment to say anything." Brendon gets up from the chair and grabs his tray. "I'll see you later," he says, walking away and ignoring Ryan calling after him.


He walked home after school instead of riding with Ryan like he usually did, and Ryan was at his house when he finally showed up, sitting on the top step of the porch.

"What are you doing here?" Brendon asks, eyebrows furrowing.

Ryan stares at him, giving a look like Brendon should know the answer to that.

"I always come over on Monday's," Ryan says and Brendon's eyes widen. "Are we not hanging out today? If you didn't want to, you could have told me."

"Ry, I'm sorry. I've got a lot of shit going through my mind," Brendon walks up to him as Ryan stands up and walks down the stairs. "You don't have to leave."

"Call me when you're done acting like the world's ended," Ryan tells him as he opens the car door. "It was just sex Bren, it didn't mean anything. Stop treating me like I'm a stranger. We're best friends."

"Ryan -"

The car door closes and Ryan backs out of the driveway. Brendon groans to himself and goes inside, slamming the door after him.

"Is everything okay?" His mom asks when he gets to the living room.

"Yep," Brendon walks down the hall and goes into his room, also slamming that door. He throws his things to the floor and lies down on his bad, staring up at the ceiling.

He never should have asked Ryan, he shouldn't have risked ruining their friendship. Now Ryan hates him and it's all his fault.

Brendon gets up and turns on his PS3.

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