New Home. New Family

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Lexi P.O.V

I am so happy! I can't believe it!I've got a father who loves me! A mother who's been looking for me, a real mother! I've got a twin brother! And I'm a big sister and a little sister at the same time, if that makes any sense.
I'm so excited to meet them. I wonder if they'll like me. I do have a reputation of being bad and disobedient not to mention the Queen of pranks and comebacks, and O god!! I'm a street fighter and street racer!! How am I supposed to keep that a secret? I can't give it up I love street fighting!
Damn! This is all happening to fast!! What if they hate me for it! What if they get rid of me what if they start to abuse me like Samantha did.
I haven't even met them and I'm jumping to conclusions. They wouldn't do that, after all if they didn't care, they wouldn't have searched for me all of these years. I need to calm down.
By now I've packed all my stuff. I've changed into a pair of  jeans and a baggy jumper. I'm really happy that my dad is going to adopt Jenny and Anna. That way we'll be real sisters and be able to live together.

After I've finished I go down stairs and see my dad talking to someone. They see me and smile and I smile back. I can't believe that Bitch kept me separated from my family all these years.
"You ready sweetheart?" My dad asks and I nod 'yes' in response.
We go outside and I see my friends. "Lexi" they say at the same time and hug me. "Hey guys." I say and hug them back.
Anna looks at me then looks at my Dad, then at me,then back at my Dad."Lexi why do you two  look similar? " she asks in confusion.
"Yeah she's right." Jenn says agreeing with Anna. I chuckle and say"Guys this is my dad" I say smiling. They both looked shocked. I explained what happened and both Anna and Jenn where shacking in anger. "Guys calm down." I say, and they calm down a little. They look at my dad and introduced themselves.
"Nice to meet you sir my name is Anna." Anna says.
"And my name is Jenny." Jenny says.
My dad looks happy " My names is Devin Lexis Dad. I understand your orphans." My dad starts and An and Jen look down. "If its OK with you I would like to adopt you. Seeing your relationship with Lexi I can see you already view each other as family." He says to them. The girls both looked shocked, they turn and look at me and I nod indicating its OK. They look back at my dad and smile." We would love it if you adopted us." They say and my dad smiles and hugs them.
" Welcome to the family girls." He says and I smile.
I turn and see the man my dad was talking to smiling at me so I smile back, and if possible his smile grows wider.
" It's nice to meet you miss my names Sam." He says and bows lightly. I raise my brow.
"Dude, no need to bow, also don't call me miss just call me Lexi." I say and smile.
He smiles and nods." You're just like your siblings."


Right now we are on the plane to America.
"Its gonna be cool settling in one place." I say smiling.
"Got that right. O but what about school? We still have a reputation to keep up." Says An.
For the past few years I always make sure to get expelled before moving schools or country's.
"First once were settled in we have to go shopping! Full on shopping and get new cloths, shoes accessories and all that stuff." Says Jen. Me and An laugh and agree.
"How you doin girls?" My dad says sitting next to me.
"Fine just discussing how are new school will be like." I say smiling innocently. He raise his eye brow and pulls out a paper from his suit and unfolds it.
"About that I've checked your school reports, it seems you've been expelled from 43 schools." My eyes widen. "Wow! I knew I was bad and got expelled many times but wow, that is a lot." I say and the girls nod in agreement.
I look at my dad and smile innocently." Sorry Dad. We'll try to behave I prom -" My dad lifts his hand up and says " No need. Honestly I'm not that surprised your brothers are exactly the same, so was I when I was in school. And don't worry about getting expelled the principal works for me, that's the only reason why your brothers haven't been expelled. " he says and shakes his head slightly. I looked at him shocked. He doesn't mind us misbehaving, and the principal works for him? He looks at me and smiles and says
" Don't change who you are for the benefit of someone else, because in the end it doesn't benefit you now does it?" I shake my head and hug him. Shortly after that I fell asleep thinking how lucky I am to have such a Caring farther.

"Lexi! Wake up!" I hear someone yell.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I say jumping awake. I see An and Jen laughing there heads off.

"Your reaction was so funny." An says between laughter. I glare at them and they stop laughing. Jen clears her throat and says.

" We've landed and its time to go" she says and I nod getting up and start stretching.
"Where's dad?" I ask.
"He's outside sorting something out." An says shrugging.
"Come on girls the cars ready." I hear my dad say.
"Coming!" We say.
We come out and I see my dad talking with Sam.
After a while of talking about some business stuff I'm guessing we left the air port to our new home.


Next chapter their will be lot's of pictures, so make sure to have  your internet connected!

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