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 Lexi P.O.V 

Hi my name's Lexi, I'm a badass and I live with my abusive mother. My father walked out on us when I was a year old, that's what my mother say's, but I feel as though there's much more to the story, then she say's.

Me and my mother move around a lot, she say's that dangerous and powerful  people are after us, because my dad didn't pay his debut to some gang. I tell my self that he's a bad man for leaving us alone, I always say that my mother is abusive because my dad left, but no matter how hard I try I can't hate him. Weird right?

I have two best friend's Jenny and Anna. They both lost there parent's when they were 14 years old, but didn't want to be put in orphanage so they left and ran away.

Like me they are street fighters, that's how we met and became best friends.  They are the only people who actually love me, for me. My mother doesn't know about them though, since whenever we move Jenny and Anna always follow and move to the same place as me, so we've been together for the past 3 years.

The three of us are like sister's, always there for each other, and supporting one - another. Honesty there more than sisters to me, there my reason for living, to have something to look forward to.


" Wake up you fuckin lazy slut!!" I hear my mother yell. Some times I wonder if she's my actually mother since we don't even look alike, nor do we have any similarities.
I go down stairs still in my P.J's, since its Saturday  and I have no school today.
" Yes Samantha? " I ask, did I forget to mention my mother won't let me call her mother, since it reminds her of how she gave birth to a useless child AKA me. " I thought I told you I expect my breakfast to be ready for when I wake up! So can you tell me why I can't see my fuckin breakfast anywhere?!" She yells.
" Sorry Samantha I didn't realize you we're awake" I say pretending to be afraid of her.
She smirks as me shivering in fear and yells " Bitch I'm not asking for excuses, you know what happens when you don't listen to me. " she says and grabs my hair and drags me go the her room and throws me on the floor, and started beating me up.
Actually I'm very much use to her beatings, since she started when I was 4 years old, thanks to her I have a abnormally high tolerance for pain,to me a punch in the face is nothing but a light tap.  Cool right? Sometimes I wish I could beat her up till she's all black and blue, but I remind my self I have one year left till I can finally be free from this demon.

After getting beat up which felt like nothing more than a pillow being thrown on my face, I met up with my sisters.

" Lexi!! " I hear my sisters yell.

"Hi guys!" I yell and hug them. I told them about what happened this morning and Jenny was about to march all the way back home and kill my mother, thankfully I had a fight and used that as an excuse to stop her.

After the fight which I won as to be expected, I went home to, only to be yelled at coming home late and not making my lazy ass mother who has to wait for me to make her food.


Hope you like it so far, I haven't really put much effort in this book but I will try to make it interesting.

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