Chapter 1

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Cleveland's PoV-

"That's the wrong way."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not. I've always taken this way."

I toned Danny and Blair out as their argued in the front two seats. My eyes drifted to out the window, to the city of Portland.

The city that I moved to only two years ago.

I didn't quite remember why I chose Portland, maybe for the far distance. Or maybe I just liked the sound of the name. But I didn't think there could've been any other city I would have loved more.

Or been more successful in.


I snapped my head back at the sound of my name. Danny and Blair both were staring at me as I noticed we had arrived.

"Did you see a cute dog or something?" Blair asked with a teasing smile. I huffed before grabbing my bag and exiting Danny's car.

I walked in between Danny and Blair through the crowded parking lot. College kids were everywhere.

"Do you have the list?" Danny asked me as we entered the building. I nodded as I pulled out the list of books/textbooks that all of us needed for this upcoming school year, our last year of high school.

Since we live so close to the university, we just use their library. It's huge and Blair likes to hit on whatever college boy she lays her eyes on.

Blair took out her phone and snapped a picture of her part of the list.

"I'll text you guys when I'm done, or if I found a guy for one of you." She said before turning and walking away.

Danny and I didn't bother objecting. Danny is very serious about her studies and believes a guy will only get in the way.

And for myself. It would never work.

I've shown interest in guys in the past but none of them went past the first date. But I work a lot and I'm always going to prioritize my work.

It's much better this way.

Danny looked at me for a second then grabbed my hand and leading the way to Mathematics certain. She probably wanted to split up so we could get out of here quicker, but there wasn't any way I was going to be comfortable with that.

The building was large, mainly just rows and rows of bookshelves with the occasional area with students working. Their school year just started so I already prepared for the library to be busy.

It ended up taking us almost an hour to find all the books. Danny searched for them while I carried them. I was fine with the process, considering she's better than seeing all the tiny letters and I work as a waitress.

As Danny handed me the last book, her phone buzzed in her pocket. I watched as she pulled it out.

"Blair can't find a book and she needs help. Engineering Sciences department." Danny read out before grabbing half of the books in my hands and leading in the direction of the Engineering Sciences.

I didn't bother asking if Danny really thought she needed help or if she saw a cute boy and needed us to hold her things for her as she talked to him.

Turns out I didn't have to ask. The moment she saw us approaching her, she gave us a guilty smile.

"For fuck's sake..." Danny mumbled under her breath.

"He's cute and looks to be your type," Blair explained shortly while jerking her head to her left, gesturing to a boy twenty, or so, feet away.

Baby CleveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora