chapter eight

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not that long ago, the maids had left the house how it was before the party. "lauren!"i yell, as she comes down with her bag packed with things. "what are your screaming my name for?" she asks annoyed, packing her vape pens into her backpack.
"you know i think you're even worse than me." i chuckle, raising an eyebrow at my sister.
"actually, i'm just better at hiding things." she responds.
i mean she wasn't wrong. never did she once get caught for being with a guy, drinking, or smoking. i respected her because of that, but, it made me seem like the worst child ever.
"alright let's get going." i grab the keys out of her hand and run outside to the car. "i'm driving!" i yell, already jumping inside the car before she could even react.
when she gets to the passenger seat door, i lock which aggravates her.
"john, open the door!" she complains, pulling on the knob of the car.
i get a good laugh out of it, but eventually unlock the door.
"you suck." she huffs, laughing.
"so i've heard" i respond raising my eyebrows and begin to drive towards annie's house.

• • •

hayden was the first to arrive to my house. i greeted him with a wide smile, and he pulled me into a very close embrace.
when he released me, i scrunched up my nose, raised my eyebrow, and tilted my head in confusion. "what was that hug for?" i ask, not upset, it was a warm, firm, hug. i knew for sure i was catching feelings for hayden.
"just know, it won't be the last time i touch you tonight." he says smirking at me, as he brushes right against me as he walks down to the large basement, where we all were going to chill.

• • •

next people to show up were lauren and johnny. when i opened the door, johnny was holding 6 pack of bud-lite. "orlando, i thought i had the drinks all set?" i ask laughing. "the more the merrier." he smirks, looking around for mackenzie.
i laugh, and give lauren a large hug. she gestures towards her bag and laughs. i was aware of what was in the bag, and she planned on soaring very high in the clouds tonight.

• • •

last person to arrive was maisy. she was obviously the life of the party. she was already buzzed, i could tell by the amount of laughing fits she was having by the time i opened the door.
"are you able to walk down the stairs?" i ask sarcastically, slighting shoving her as a joke to watch her lose her balance. i burst out in a fit of laughter, and guide her down the stairs.

• • •

all the guest were here. let the fun begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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