chapter five

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as time passes, i'm still in the same spot i was earlier. i don't want to be at this party anymore. i walk back towards the house to search for maisy. she's obviously getting wasted or in someone else's pants.

i sigh, running my hands through my hair. i walk around the house, looking for a room that isn't being used by hormonal teenagers.

i give up, walking to the kitchen and pouring myself a cup of water. as the party was still roaring and alive as ever, i felt dead.

i sit their silently until someone screams, "the cops are here!" and a swarm of teens come running every which way. i scan looking around for maisy, not worried for me since i haven't touched an alcoholic drink all night.

out of no where, lauren grabs my arm, rushing me towards the basement. it was annie, me, and maisy slugged on a sofa. "maisy can't get caught." annie says, making sure everything is locked.
"this house is huge, this is usually where johnny and i hide when the party gets too crazy." lauren says, practically dragging maisy and us walking close behind to a closed off room.

once we were all settled in the room, i sit there in silence.
lauren breaks the silence and looks towards me. "did the conversation with johnny not go so well?" she asks me.
i chuckle, "no, not really. but i get what he's going through. i understand him. i don't think he knows that though." i say shrugging.
"johnny is extremely stubborn." annie states. i agree in a nod. i begin to think to myself, it's maybe because he's been building a wall up all his life. i feel sympathy for him.

• • •

after about an hour passing, maisy was still passed out and lauren, annie, and i were talking about anything and everything.
"is water wet?" i ask, having a giggling fit after asking.
"yes, if it's not wet, than what is it?" annie says.
"no!" lauren says, laughing trying to get her point across.
sooner or later it was 5am and we were all passed out on the chair.

by the time my eyes flutter open, i'm the first person awake. i stand up, and check my phone, it's 12 noon. i also get loads of texts from my mom asking where i am. i shoot her back a text and groan. i nudge maisy so we can get home. i usually would wake up with a pounding headache after a party like that, but since i didn't drink, i felt fine.

i walk upstairs back to the house, and there were maids cleaning up the mess that was left. i ask around if they have seen my car keys, but they weren't sure.
i walk around the maze of a house looking for my car keys, well technically maisy's, and bump into johnny. "shit." i mumble. "my bad." i give him a quick glance. he's currently shirtless and wearing black joggers. wow, i think my eyes just busted a nut.
i watch as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out keys. "i found these laying around." he says tossing them to me.
i nod at him, thanking him. as the silence builds up, i decide to break it.
"i'm just going to wait downstairs until maisy wakes up." i say walking away. he stops me by talking.
"hey kenz, i'm sorry for the way i treated you last night. i push people away, a lot." he says making eye contact, which shocks me because he genuinely looks sorry.
"you know, it's fine, i understand completely how it is." i say back, confused with our whole frenemy relationship.
he nods, looking around. "want something to eat? i can whip up something real quick." he asks.
i burst out into laughter, "you? cooking? that's unheard of." i say teasing. "you don't even know, i can cook a bomb ass omelet." he fires back. "show me what you got john." i say raising an eyebrow.

• • •
as we get the ingredients out, johnny speaks. "you look uncomfortable in that." he says scanning my dress. "stop making excuses to look at my-" i start, but then he cuts me off, "i'll grab you something from lauren's room." i mentally face palm myself wondering why i'm here with johnny, at his house, when no one else is awake. i thought i hated johnny. although, he's fun to be around.

when he comes back, he's holding an orange hoodie and sweatpants. he hands then to me, and i take a look at the clothes.
"i thought you said you were going to get them from lauren's
room." i ask, titling my head in confusion.
"oh, did i say lauren's room? i meant mine." he says giving me a cheeky smile. "you're so annoying." i say rolling my eyes, and walking over to the bathroom to change.

when i open the door to walk out, johnny has his phone out recording me. he bursts out in a fit of laughter.
"whaaatt?" i ask, covering my face with my hands laughing.
"you look like a marshmallow." he says through every chuckle. once he puts his phone down i remove my hands from my face and walk over to him. i begin to start slapping his arm, "you're so annoying!" i say embarrassed and laughing.
"hey, but at least now i won't be starring at your body." he says turning red. "you're such a flirt, fuck off orlando." i say giving him a smile. "ouch that was rude." he said, pretending to fake cry.

as we continue talking, laughing, and basically flirting with each other, i think, we are interrupted by annie, maisy, and lauren walking in.
"ziegler, who's hoodie is that?" lauren asks me laughing knowing exactly who's hoodie it is.
"shut the hell up." i spit back.
"oooo." annie and maisy say in unison.

after everyone finally decides to shut up and stop teasing me, i speak. "maisy, we gotta get going. my mom is pissed." i say, as she grabs her stuff, and we hug everyone goodbye.
when i reach over to give johnny a hug, he places his arms around my waist. he pulls me in close, and i feel his friend downstairs pressing against me.
"bye kenz." he whispers in my ear sending chills all down my spine.
i let go, bitting my lip into a smile.
"you suck." i mouth to him as i'm walking out the door and i catch him chuckle.

whatever this was that was going on between johnny and i, i hope lasts forever. i think to myself, as butterflies flutter around my stomach.

i guess johnny doesn't suck as much as a thought he did.

• • •

YOU SUCK  | JENZIEWhere stories live. Discover now