Chapter 3

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     News of the new arrivals spread quickly through out the ship. While Camile was not fond of new troops on board, she was pleased to see not all of their new passengers were soldiers. TJ was ecstatic to see new medical personnel, especially when she learned that one of the doctors was taken from a medical school and was going to provide her with formal medical training. He was also willing to teach any other members of the crew that wanted to volunteer in order to have as many medical personnel on the ship as possible. Yet it was when John Sheppard started to show the crew of Destiny the really amazing new toys that impressed everyone. While the new crew members were being shown to their quarters, John decided to show Colonel Young's soldiers from the original Destiny crew some of the weapons they had brought along to aid in the success of their mission. The first thing he showed the soldiers that were watching was a small hand held device that looked like a coiled snake.

     "That looks familiar." Young asked. "I think I remember seeing something like that in one of the dossiers I read right after I joined the Stargate program."

     "This is called a Zat'nik'tel." Sheppard said, holding it up for all the troops present to see. "But we all call it Zat-gun. This is a tool that was created by the Goa'uld and has been one of the best toys we inherited from them."

     "What makes it so special?" Greer asked.

     Sheppard responded to Greers question by pointing the Zat-gun at him. As he squeezed the bottom of the weapon the top part expanded a bit before firing a white electrical charge from the mouth of the weapon. The shot hit Greer and he fell to the floor and started to spasm as if he had been hit with a taser.

     "One shot from the Zat-gun stuns your target," John informed everyone, who continued to watch Greer twitch. "If you hit them with a second shot, it will be a kill shot as your target will not survive."

     "Impressive," Young said, "But I'd recommend asking for volunteers before testing a weapon next time."

     "Duly noted," John said, smiling. "The best part is this weapon doesn't have to be reloaded. It just needs a few seconds to power up a new charge."

     "That will help us conserve ammo," Young concurred, "How many did you bring?"

     "Thirty-five," John replied, "You have the Teal'c and the Tok'ra to thank for this. We're going to use these for missions only and even then be sparing with them. General Carter called in a lot of markers to secure these and the staffs."

     "The staffs?" Young asked, "You brought Jaffar staffs on board?"

     "We managed to salvage a few from our stash in Area 51," John answered, "We couldn't take them all. Area 51 kept a lot of them because they're trying to reverse engineer them, which is a good idea. I suggest we leave these on board, and reserve them for defense of the ship."

     "Not a bad idea," Young concurred.

     "What about that one," Greer said, pointing to a gun that was holstered to John's right leg. "Where did you get that bad boy?"

     "This was given to me by a friend," John said, patting the sidearm. "It's called a particle magnum. Ronan wasn't using it anymore, so gave it to me knowing that it would see a lot more action out here."

     "That's a good friend," Young observed.

     "Trust me, I wish he came with us." John added, "He was one of the best people we had on Atlantis."

     "Is this all the alien tech you brought with you?" Young asked.

     "No," John replied, "But the last piece is for your eyes only."

     "Nuff said," Young said, turning to the rest of the people from his crew. "Everyone dismissed. Let's get back to work."

     The two colonels watched as the rest of the troops walked away, and then Young turned back to John.

     "You need to tell me everything you brought with you," Young started, "No surprises here, John."

     "The only person who knows I brought these on board is General Carter," John said as he walked over to another truck, "I prefer we be the only ones onboard who know about these until they're absolutely necessary."

     "That's sounds very ominous," Young observed as he followed Sheppard.

     "Sorry about that, Colonel." John said as he walked over to one of the vehicles that came through the gate.

     Colonel Sheppard used his own thumb print to open one of the crates. It was the only crate to have that kind of fingerprint scanner. Young looked inside the crate and there was what looked like a body lying down inside it.

     "What the hell is that?" Young asked.

     "This is an armored exoskeleton." John replied, "The General informed me that these are only to be used in cases of extreme emergencies."

     "Whose technology is this?" Young inquired, "I've never seen anything like it."

     "We recovered them from a group of people known as the Vanir," John continued, "They were a group of Asguards that were broken away from their home world. These suits can take a beating and then some. We don't know how they're charged but when they run out of power, it will Rodney's job to figure out a way to hook them up to Destiny to use its solar batteries to recharge them."

     "How many of these skeletons do we have?" Young asked.

     "Three," John answered, "These things are to be kept on the down low. Do you know where we can stash these away from everyone else?"

     "I have an idea," Young said, "I'll ask Eli. He now knows this ship like the back of his hand. We might have to let him in on it if you're okay with that."

     "Only if he asks." John replied, "If he doesn't ask, you don't tell."

     "Why are you bringing these on board Destiny?" Young asked.

     "I shouldn't have to explain," John said, "No one knows what's waiting in the next galaxy, I'm just trying to make sure we have enough to survive. This is my way of preparing for anything. If we never have to use these, I'll be very relieved but I'll sleep a little easier knowing I did my best to help prepare us for the unknown."

     "Fair enough," Young said as he paused for a moment. "I'd also like to thank you and General for something."

     "What would that be?" John responded.

     "For not bringing Telford with you," Young replied, "Did he ask to be a part of this mission?"

     "Indeed he did," Sheppard replied, "And based on the issues he had on board this ship, the General thought it would be best if he didn't tag along. We thought new blood would minimize conflict with our integration. I also heard Eli made some improvements with the ship."

     "He did," Young said, as he watched John close the case and secure the exoskeleton. "Care for the nickel tour?"

     "Lead the way, Colonel." John said, as he was eager to look around.

     The two men continued to talk about the mission as they left the gate room and started to wander around the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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