swasan proves rithik's innocence

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Swasan comes down with their bags
they take blessings from elders and then swara removes one report file from her bag And gives it to pari
swara - bhabhi these r ur reports...if u feel any pain or weakness then u consult dr.priya. i hav sent u her contact, and u can call me anytime ok.
pari - ok swara u don't worry about me i will be fine. U take care. Sanskar take care of my swara.
sanskar smiles and looks at swara lovingly, but she turns her face and bids bye to everyone.laksh sees this...
dp asks adarsh to drop them but laksh tells that he will drop them.

In car

Laksh sits on driver seat. Sanskar is about to sit beside him in the passenger seat but laksh stops him
laksh - bhai plzzz u sit back na i want my bhabhi to sit here.
sanskar - bhabhi ka chamcha.....
laksh - hahaha watever
Swara sits beside laksh and sanskar sits at back
While driving
laksh - bhabhi y r u upset with bhai ??
Swasan are shocked
laksh - don't see me like that i observed it. So just tell me.
swasan - nthng like that lucky (at the same time)
Laksh smiles listening them.
laksh - acha ok ok i understand it's ur personal matter but i can say one thing bhai u only hurt bhabhi na ??
Sanskar(sarcasm) - wah mera bhai(wow...my dear brother) how can u trust ur brother so much
laksh - becozzz i know u from childhood. U can't control ur anger and end up in saying something stupid.. and coming to bhabhi she can't hurt anyone becozz she is soo sweet.
sanskar - ha that's right i can't control my anger and see i am bearing the punishment.
laksh laughs but swara keeps silent.
laksh - bhabhi plzzz don't be sad i can't see u like this...
swara - lucky i am fine don't worry but i need some time to become normal that's all....
laksh - i know bhabhi bhai ne...(bhai did....)
swara - no lucky it's not his fault. Don't think wrong about him.
sanskar feels soo gud that she is still supporting him.
in the mean while mohit calls swara... And she takes the call....
mohit - ha di hav u started to airport ??
Swara - ha bachu i will call u after reaching london ok ??
Mohit - ya di and listen i am coming to airport
swara - No bachu u no need to come. I know U are tired as u have lots of work today in the office so u take rest and it's not my request its my..
mohit - order hai na ??(order right ??) I know it ok then i can't oppose u. ok bye take care call me as soon as u reach there ok
swara - ok bye u too take care and inform bp and everyone.
mohit - ok bye di.
Saying this he hungs up....
after sometime they reach the airport.
rithik comes there and informs them that the flight is delayed for 2 hrs.
swasan ask laksh to go home and take rest. swara insists laksh to go back. He goes after so much of argument....
they all sit at the gate house waiting for the flight....
rithik sits beside swara and swara is sitting in between rithik and sanskar.
rithik - shona ??
Swara - hmm
rithik - shonaa ??(Little bit louder)
Swara(pissed off) - yahi hu mai( I am right here)y r u shouting ??
Rithik - u r present here physically but ur mind is somewhere else. Wat happened y r u so dull...
swara - it's nthng like that. I am fine.
Saying this she leaves.
sanskar too goes behind her.
rithik sits there thinking that it may be a problem between wife and husband.

@swasan side

Sanskar holds swara's hand

Swara - sanskar leave it is airport not our bed room.
sanskar - ha i know it's airport but it doesn't change our relationship.... Though it is a airport or a bus stand or a railway station or our house u r my wife and it is the fact.
swara - sanskar i don't want to talk to u. Plzzz don't irritate me. let me live like this.
sanskar - no swara i can't see u like this. Dull and inactive.
swara - ya right so u want to see my tears ?? But u hav already seen those yesterday right ?? Now u want to see me more while crying or this time u want to see me dead.
sanskar closes her mouth with his hand and says
sanskar - swara wat r u saying ha ?? Plzzz never repeat this. I know i did a mistake but plzzz don't tell like this next time.
swara removes his hand and says
swara - i too dont want to talk like this mr.maheswari but u hav left no chance than this.

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora