swara taking care of laksh and swasan

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ragini went out with laksh
swara is sitting on the bed while sanskar is sitting on the couch and doing some work in laptop
swara sees the weather changing and says
swara – sanskar they didnot come yet see weather is changing it's about to rain and u told me that lucky can't resist rain he had sinus problm na
sanskar – ha swara but relax they r coming by car so he will not get exposed to rain
Swara – ok ohhh shitt......
sanskar – now wat happened ??
Swara – i didnot inform anyone at home about ragini and i think till now they gathered in the hall
sanskar – don't worry now inform
swara calls shekhar
shekhar – hello swara y did ragini not come home till now.....She said that she is with u
swara shocked and understands that ragini told them that she will meet her
swara – ha papa actually i called u to inform about that only as the weather is not good, i will send ragini later but don't worry i won't send her alone
shekhar – i know beta that u will take care of everyone anyways tell me how is ur sasural ??
Swara – it's very nice papa all are very gud here i am very happy
seeing swara happy shekhar also gets happy
shekhar – i am so happy that u got a husband like sanskar
swara looks at sanskar and smiles and sanskar signs her “wat”
She nods in nothing
swara – ok papa u all take care i will njoy with her
swara cuts the call
sanskar – swara wat did papa say and u told tat u will send ragini with someone
swara – sanskar i won't leave them ragini told tat she is with me
sanskar – wat ??
Swara – ha and papa is asking me and if this mohit spills the truth then??as he knew that ragini is not here
Sanskar – y will he do that ??
Swara – he will definetly do that....acha i hav to call him
sanskar sees a req for video call and its from mohit
sanskar – swara lo ur bhai has called for video chat
she suddenly jumps on to sanskar...That is she sits beside sanskar but a little on him too
swara‘s hair is touching sanskar’s face
swara realises her position and says
swara – sanskar lets sit on bed it will be more comfortable
sanskar – ok come
they both sit and talks with mohit
swara – hiiii bachuuuu
mohit – hi di hi jiju
sanskar – hii mohit acha listen ur di is thinking that u will tell to papa and ma that ragini is not with swara
mohit – ha jiju actually i thought to tell them but as di also accepted it so i stayed calm
swara – acha mohit suno untill ragini
comes there u manage maa baba anyways i hav convinced them
mohit – di let it be na waise bhi no one is going to utter a single word against her even though they knows the truth
swara (with shock) – mohit u r fine these days with ragini na . U r talking with her normally treating her normally then y r u saying like that
mohit – di it's just for fun..
swara – fun no something is there but…
mohit interrupts her
mohit – actually yesterday night she came to me and we fought alot and she slept in my room in ur place so i was angry with her.....
swara – i am so happy
mohit – di plzzz don't say ki…
swara – ha yes wat u r thinking is true
sanskar – excuse me wat's going on here and wat is he thinking
mohit – jiju leave all that it's not important
swara – arre sanskar lucky is right u r really a dumbo actually i am saying yesterday ragini went to mohit’s room intentionally to trouble him so that he forgets me
sanskar – acha ohh hello by the way i am not dumbo how can i know about that if u won't tell properly
swara – acha ok ok waise mohit i am so happy ki finally everything is getting fine
mohit – ha di
swara – mohit close the windows of ur room becozz it looks like raining and i know u don't like water coming inside so plzzz lock them now itself
mohit – ha ok ok u too take care u hav fear for thunders....
Sanskar – wat ?? But she is fine that day wen we went to exhibition
mohit – ha jiju actually di has a phobia for thunders, diwali crackers but as she is studying mbbs she got treated now she can manage for a little bit and that day if u remember it just rained no thunders.....
sanskar – ha ya so ur di is afraid of something Atleast....
swara – hogaya tum dono ka.....
mohit y did u tell him....now he will tease me....
mohit – but di what if today thunders are more and i can't leave u like that and i am not there to protect u.
both swara and mohit remembers the flashback
swara – mohit i am closing the doors so that water don't come in
mohit – di i will do that u come and sit
suddenly it thunders and with huge sound
swara gets frightened and hugs mohit tightly
mohit – di relax nothing will happen and the whole night mohit went on consoling her
swara comes out of thoughts wen sanskar keeps his hand on swara’s shoulder
mohit sees and gets happy
sanskar – swara shall i drop u to gm wen ragini comes u go along with her. I think u r missing mohit . Go i will manage here
swara – no sanskar it will not be good if i go there.......she sees mohit
mohit nods in yes
mohit – ha jiju di is right and anyways i am feeling sleepy di bye gud ni8 take care.....
swara – gud ni8 mohit
u too take care
mohit leans his head to laptop and swara kisses the laptop
she disconnects the calls and turns a side
sanskar understands her and goes near her to console her
meanwhile raglak comes there being wet
swara – lucky wat is this ?? U are completely wet u know na u hav sinus problm then ??
Ragini – di i too told that but he hav not listened
swara – ragini u could hav stopped him
ragini – di don't blame me i told him
she tells everything wat happened
ragini and laksh are in car it starts raining
they stop the car for a while
ragini – laksh i like rain very much u plzz stay here i will go and njoyy and she gets down
laksh – ragini no listsn ragini
she plays with water and she gets completely wet
then laksh also comes out and plays with her
ragini stops saying and starts thinking wat had just happened with them
laksh hugs ragini and they dances very romantically
they both come out from their thoughts
with swara’s voice
swara – wat happened aftr that ??
laksh – wat will happen bhabhi ragini dragged me to the car and we came home
sanskar – if ragini dragged u immediately then u hav not got wet completely
laksh – bh..bhaii wat r u saying
swara laughs
swara – sanskar plzzz stop... laksh u go and change ur clothes and i will bring u khaada.....
laksh – bhabhi phir se no khaada... i am fine
then only he sneezes
swara – i can see how much u r fine do wat i say
laksh goes with a cute face
swara – ragini come i will give u my dress
sanskar – ha swara u take ragini to our room i will go to laksh
swara – ok
after that swara and ragini also come to laksh’s room
laksh is continuously sneezing and he got cold too
swara – i will make khaada immediately
laksh – no bhabhi i am fine plzzz i cant drink that plzzz
swara – par lucky its gud for......
laksh – no no bhabhi plzzzzz plzzzz i can't drink.....bhai plzzz tell bhabhi na ragini plzzz.... he keeps on requesting
sanskar – swara leave it if he doesnot want to drink then don't force him
swara – but sanskar i know if he doesnot drink now it will increase and due to cold his temperature also increases
ragini – di i know u r a doctor but let it be na if he can't drink then don't force him
swara still doesnot agree becozz she knew wat will happen but sanskar tells her
sanskar(angry) – swara plzzzz stop over caring
swara is hurt by his words
sanskar also thinks “ohhh shit wat i hav told her ”
Swara – ok lucky u take rest i will go now as i hav to go to hospital early tomorrow
laksh too feels that swara is hurt
ragini – di wait na
swara stops at the door and turns
swara – sanskar if u don't mind will u sleep here and ragini will sleep in our room
sanskar – ok swara acha listen i hav to talk to u
swara – not now sanskar i hav to sleep......tomorrow i hav many appointments. i hav been postponing from 4 days
Saying this.... she goes

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Where stories live. Discover now