Sigma Force X Ch.2: A Moment

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"Zap...Zap! Wake up, Zap!" There was a voice echoing in my head.

"Gee, Cybil, I think he's dead."

"Don't be silly, Alice."


"Ow!" Finally, I woke up.

"Yay! He's still alive, Cybil!" Alice seemed happy.

"Have you been consuming alcohol again?" Cybil put her hands on her hip as she was talking to me.

"No..." I said in an irritated tone. "And Alice, no more pinching me, okay?"

The little girl nodded and chuckled, "Sorry...hee-hee!"

"Then how do you explain falling asleep on the balcony then...?" It was like that woman was investigating my case.

"I... just couldn't sleep....last night...", I yawned.

Actually, I just happen to fall asleep when I was watching the night sky. I was just thinking, last night: "Where in the stars did I come from?"

"Zap, are you okay?" Cybil asked me.

I didn't respond all the way so I just glanced at her with a null expression on my face.

"See what I mean, Cybil? Someone must have kidnapped poor Zap and zombified him!"

That Alice sure does have a really wild imagination. Jarvis is lucky to have a dear daughter like Alice. I just don't understand why she isn't in school away from an unsafe environment like here...

Alice is a very intelligent girl-beyond the IQ of the average 8-year old. Sometimes I wonder if she's even flesh and bones. Not that I'm trying to say that Jarvis has a cute and cuddly android girl for a daughter...or does he?

"Zap..."Cybil repeated my name one more time.

Alice decided to poke me a few times. "Zappy! Earth to Zappy! Hello! Is anyone there?!"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Alice! I'm alive and breathing. So you can stop poking holes in me~!" To cover that irritation about her rough playfulness, I began to tickle her.

"Aieee! Hee-hee! Hey stop it Zap! Hee-hee! It tickles!" Alice couldn't control her baby laughter. "Okay, okay! I surrender! Hee-hee!"

Cybil seemed unusually upbeat today as well. I couldn't help but to stare at her beautiful face. The way the ten o' clock sun revealed her face as if God was proud to present the face of an angel. As many beautiful Earth women I've encountered, I believe Cybil is the perfect woman even though she was from another planet. I hate to admit it, but I think I might be in love...

"Zap?" Once again, Cybil voice woke me.

"Oh! Um...yeah?" I my face was a bit warm from the trance.

"Hee-hee! Zap is a zombie! Na-na-na-na-na-nah!" Alice mocked me.

"Aww, Alice, why don't you go get yourself some breakfast, okay, sweetie?" Cybil smiled and pat little Alice on her head.

"Okay! I'm going to go find something yummy to eat! Are you two going to eat something, too?!"

"Sure. Just give me and Zap a few minutes, is that good?"

"Affirmative!" Alice did a silly salute and she happily marched into the elevator.

I felt a bit better now that I'm conscious again. Then Cybil stepped towards me. She blushed and smiled at me...

She sighed. "Alice is such a lively little girl to say she's a prototype..."

" Well...I thought she was a robot or something like that..." I was relieve to learn that my little idea about little Alice being an android was true, so I guess I wasn't all that surprised. But she still enjoys doing what "people-people" do every day.

"Yes, she is still a child though. I really do enjoy the presence of children, don't you, Zap?"

"What can I say? They just love working on your nerves..." I said with sarcasm.

Cybil again looked up at me but this time, her jade eyes, glistened by the sun, were attached to my bold, red eyes. She started to blush even more; and so did I. We both smiled at each other for some time. This moment was beautiful. Despite of the New York traffic below us, everything seemed...tranquil. The sky was a soft baby blue, with a few white cirrus clouds in the air.

"Why can't life be more like...this very moment?" She softly asked.

I didn't know how to answer. So instead, I walked up to Cybil and gently embraced her.

"Sometimes I feel the same way as you do, Cybil. just have to learn to cherish every second you have left to spend it." I softly told her.

Soon I realized that I was holding Cybil in my arms. I knew what she meant about this "very moment" now, because I, myself, seem to live it. I held her face as she slowly began to tear up.

"Can it stay... this way... for a little while... longer, Zap...? Her glittering eyes were just too much for a steel-nerved man like me to say no. So I smiled and nodded.

"Zap,'re too-" Before Cybil could finish her comment, I caressed her tender cheek, and slowly kissed her sweet, soft lips. I could sense her urge to pull away from me, but she eventually surrendered and held on to me as we continued to kiss.

A few seconds later, Cybil moved her face away from mine and she started to blush so pink that her face was nearly on fire.

"Zap...I-I don't think we should be doing this...I mean...I don't think it is...what we are supposed to be doing..."

I thought so too, but I was intrigued that I couldn't restrain my own emotions anymore. So I grabbed her once again and we both started to kiss more. I could feel the heat of passion of both of our bodies so much that we both fell onto the floor of the balcony.

It was too late to turn back. We were both at it and I was going to make Cybil truly remember me.

"Zap..." She moaned as I was kissing her on her neck at the same time my hand curiously went up in her blouse.

"Cybil..." I whispered in her ear, "I won't ever leave you...ever..."

I began to lick her neck a bit. She started to moan and sigh so much until it made me do the same. He legs started to shiver and then switch and open and close when I pulled her dress up and kiss on her belly. It was getting hot enough for me to unzip my jacket.

"Zap Astro...I love you..." she whispered.

"I love you, too...Cybil Starr..." I repeated after her.

...I hope this moment will never end...

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