folkin' around

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nothing rhymes with circus era Bren & Ry

"Hello?" Brendon's stomach did that weird flippy thing at the sound of Ryan's voice on the other end of the phone. He should just hang up, this is stupid. Ryan will never agree to it. "Bren?"

"Hey," Brendon said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Um. Could you come over? I needed to ask you something and I wanted to do it in person."

There was a few long seconds of silence. Brendon is sitting on the edge of his bed, his left leg bouncing anxiously. 

"It's almost two in the morning," Ryan notes, and Brendon looks at the clock on his nightstand. So what? Time isn't real. "Is it that important that it can't -"

"Please?" Brendon almost begs.

Ryan sighs and Brendon's chest feels even tighter.

"I'll be there in a few," Ryan hangs up and Brendon grips his phone in his hand.

What was he about to do? This was stupid. He's going to make a fool of himself and Ryan will never want to talk to him again. It's going to ruin their friendship.

Maybe Brendon could lie and say he has no idea what Ryan's talking about, he didn't call him in the middle of the night. He was sleeping the whole time.

"Fuck," Brendon leans over, resting his elbows on his knees and pulling at his hair. 

Ten minutes later, Brendon's bedroom window opens and Ryan lets himself in. That was their thing.

It was Ryan's idea, really, after the night Brendon came knocking on his bedroom window in the middle of the night while it was pouring rain. It was freshman year -also the year that Brendon came out to everyone. Some people expected it, and some people joked about it, teasing him. Ryan already knew and had known since halfway through seventh grade. One day in ninth grade English class, Brendon was being teased because he's gay. That night, he went to Ryan's house in the middle of the night, rain soaking his hair and clothes, and he knocked on the window for almost five minutes before Ryan finally answered.

Ryan promised Brendon that his bedroom window would always be unlocked if he ever needed to come over, for any reason. Brendon told him the same, and since then they've never locked their windows.

"Hey," he says, closing the window and walking over to Brendon, who is still sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's up?"

Brendon looks up at Ryan and his stomach feels weird again. Ryan's wearing orange, blue, and black pajama bottoms with an over sized hoodie and his converse. When Brendon called him, he had woken him up. Ryan's hair is still sticking up in different spots.

Brendon sighs and scoots over, patting a spot on the bed next to him. Ryan sits down and Brendon feels sick all of a sudden.

"So," he says, trying to break the silence. It's never been like this between them. They were never stuck in an awkward silence or not knowing what to say to each other. Most of the time neither of them can shut up and they have to call when the other leaves so they can finish the conversation. Brendon rubs the tops of his thighs, his heart pounding in his chest. "You know Dallon, right?" 

Ryan's brows furrow. "Yeah," he says, like he can't believe Brendon made him come over in the middle of the night to talk about the guy Brendon likes. "What about him?"

"Well, he asked me to go on a date with him," Brendon stands up and Ryan follows him with his eyes. "I said yeah because obviously, I like him."

"So what's the problem?" Ryan asks, stuffing his hands inside the front pouch of his hoodie.

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