Chapter Five - The Kings and Queens of Old

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One of Glenstorm sons Suncloud  had offer to carry me while I slept. It was cold I slipped on my cloak and fell asleep. I was awoken by  Suncloud

"What happened" I asked jolting up.

"I think you might want to check on your brother he has been in a fight" I nodded and ran to where I heard voices


I went to sneak up on the minotour when there was a yell and my sword clashed with another. I began to fight.  I disarmed him and i backed him to a tree and swung Rhindon lodged herself in the tree and I was pushed to the ground I grabbed a rock when Lucy stopped me.

"No, stop" i did holding the rock in mid air. Narnian's began to surround us there were, faun's, dwarves, minatours, Centaurs and a badger. So much for finding them wait if there with him this must be...

"Prince Caspian?" I asked

"Yes and who are you" he rudely replied

"Peter" Susan called I looked back to her she had Ed and Trumpkin with her.

"High King Peter" ah so he did know I was.

"I believe you called"

"Yes but I thought you'd be older" oh really.

"Well if you want we could come back in a few years" I turned away.

"Caspian?!" a hooded figure ran up to the prince . They stopped and hugged him who was this person.

"Thank Aslan you're okay. Suncloud told me what happed well some of it." they rushed, it sounded like a girl but I couldn't see her face her hood was up.

"Katerina, this is High King Peter" the girl took off her hood and turned to face me I stepped back a little she was beautiful. she had porcelain skin and warm brown eyes that played with mischief.

"Your majesty" she curtsied I smiled a little.

"What were you saying" I looked back at Prince Caspian.

"Um no I... its alright your just not what I expected" he looked around I drifted my gaze back to Princess Katerina.

"Neither are you" I heard Edmund


"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes" D.T wisely stated. I could feel the High Kings eyes on me but I did not look at him.

"We have anxiously awaited your return my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service" I smiled as Reep appeared.

"Who said that" I jumped a little

"Sorry" a young girl who I immediately guessed to be Queen Lucy because she's the youngest looked apologetic.

"oh your majesty with the greatest respect  I do believe 'courageous, courteous or chivalrous' might more befit a knight of Narnia"

"Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade?" wait was that a insult against my brother.

"Yes, Indeed and I have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army sire" excuse me his army. I thought the pledged to help us fight our Uncle. My respect for the High King was warring fast.

"Go because we're going to need ever sword we can get" he turned back to us

"Well then you will proberly be wanting yours back." Caspian held out the sword.  King Peter took it and walked away.

"Please tell me you didn't go easy on him brother." I mumbled as I looped my arm with his.

"Of course not I didn't know who he was."

"Yet he was the one holding a rock? Do you think he was going to hit you with it"

"I think he might have done"

"Who does he think he is, he's worse than us Telmarines and we play dirty."

"humm I thought you might seem quite taken with him. I think he is of you, his face did all the talking when you let down your hood."

"You're one to talk I saw you looking at Queen Susan. Besides I'm not interested anyone who insults my brother and takes what we've achieved is put into my bad books."

"What a poor King indeed if that's the case, dearest sister." the High King fell in step with us. before he could say anything I spoke.

"Excuse me brother I think I might join Glenstorm and talk about today's practice." I walked forward and joined the centaur.

"I hope you don't mind me walking with you"

"Not at all your highness"

The Telmarine PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin