Chapter Two - The Narnian's

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We entered Trufflehunter's home and helped Caspian on to a bed. I sat down next to him worried.

"Come your highness, you look weary." just as he finished his sentence I yawned. He lead me to another bed.

"Hey that's my bed" Nikabrik called

"Be quiet Nikabrik. Rest your head your highness you will need your strength." I gave up and leaned my head down falling asleep.

I was woken up by banging and clashing I moaned and opened my eyes. Rubbing them I yawned and sat up.

"That's enough Nikabrik or do I have to sit on your head again" Where was i? What happened? Telmar, being awoken during the night, running away with Caspian, Caspian and I falling off Destrier, dwarfs and a talking badger,  Caspian blowing the horn, him getting knocked out then sleep. I stood up and hit my head.

"ow" I rubbed it and stayed bent over. Till my head hurt no more

"I'm not a solider I am Price Caspian the 10th"

"What are you doing here" I made my way down the steps slowly wanting to listen and not be seen.

"Running away My Uncle has always wanted my throne I suppose me and my sister have only survived this long because he did not have an heir...Where is my sister? Where is Katerina?"

"Caspian" I took the last few steps he looked up.

"Katerina" he came over and embraced me in a hug I pulled away and looked at Trufflehunter and Nikabrik

"I guess this changes things" Trufflehunter thought out loud. Nikabrik however grinned

"Yeah means we won't have to kill you ourselves. " I really didn't like him

"He's right" Caspian pulled away from me and went to grab our things he handed me my cloak and sword.

"What are you doing" Trufflehunter asked

"Our uncle will not stop till we are dead" he stood up holding his stuff.

"But you can't leave you're both meant to save us." We looked at him.

"Don't you know what this is" I went closer and took the horn it looked familiar.

"Caspian it is Queen Susan's horn" he looked at it then came over to grab my hand.

"We're sorry but we must go" I dropped the horn as Caspian pulled me out. 

"Caspian that was rude. He was only trying to help us" I scolded

"Do you want to get them killed" I said nothing.

"Thought not. Look I promised our father and the Professor I'd keep you safe, I intend to keep that promise. Now come we must find somewhere to hide. I sighed and nodded we continued walking through the woods.

"Where are we going anyway. We can't just keep walking my feet will drop off." he laughed

"Coming from the warrior Princess" he teased

"I'm no warrior I'm adventurous and a thrill seeker." I countered

"You sure you were not born a boy" I slapped him and lifted up my nightdress

"Shut up just because I love fighting, swords and duelling with you doesn't mean I'm a boy." We continued walking all day till it was afternoon.

"Couldn't we have at least waited for supplies I'm hot and thirsty."

"Stop complaining Katerina" there was rustling behind us, and we stopped.

"We can here you" Caspian stated as we turned around. DT and Nikarbrik looked out then realised they were caught.

"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens" Caspian turned back round.

"Fine go ahead see if the others will be as understanding" DT called I sighed and began to follow

"Caspian maybe you should listen to DT"


"Dearest Trufflehunter" I shrugged

"Thank you dear" Trufflehuter said and I smiled at him

"Maybe I'll come with you. I wanna see you explain things to the minatours" We halted

"Minatours?" Caspian asked "They're real"

"Oh yes they're real not to mention bad tempered"  DT started walking over to me.

"Yeah not to mention big" Nikabrik smirked


"What about Centaurs do they still exist" I wondered as we started walking again.

"Now the centaurs will proberly fight on your side but there's not telling what the others will do." I pulled my brother.

"If they're real what about Aslan" I whispered into his ear.

"Let's find out" he repleied

"What about Aslan" they both stopped and turned to look at us.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nikabrik asked

"Stories" I told them

"Your father told you stories about Narnia" I looked away.

"No our Professor. Look we're sorry but these are the kind of questions you shouldn't be asking" I started walking.

"What is it" I sighed hearing Nikabrik

"Humans" DT said

"them" Nikabrik pointed to me and Caspian

"No, Them?" We saw soldiers and the saw us.

"Run" I hiked up my dress even further and began running arrows started flying at us and I dodged them I ran in front of Caspian when we heard a yelp of pain. DT had been hit.

"Oh no" Nikabrik went to get him

"No I'll get him. " Caspian ran back and Nikabrik started again

"Come on girl run " I stopped and waited for my brother but saw a most peculiar sight Telmarines started falling as if something had got them. Caspian ran to us and handed me DT

"take him and go"

"Caspian you can't" I protested "just go take them" He told Nikabrik and I was pushed . We continued on but I was stopped.

"Stop go back I know who that is" I nodded and turned back the way we came.

"Reepicheep!" I put my hand over my mouth to stop the giggles. My brother had been conquered by a mouse. "stay your blade" DT called Ihad a hold of him with one arm.

"Trufflehunter? I trust there is a very good reason for this untimely interruption" Reepicheep stated

"he doesn't go ahead" Nikabrik answered I glared and saved my brother.

"My brother blew the horn" I called

"What?" he asked

"Then let him bring it forward" I looked to my left and four centaurs appeared "this is the reason we have gathered.

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