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Okay, now I'm stuck lol. I really need some feedback if you guys want me to continue writing. I need to know what sorts of things you guys'd like to see in the future.


More Characters? (I can proudly say I'm now caught up in the manga. Want some precious senpais xD?)

Drabble/Oneshot Themes?

Fantasy AU? (YES, OF COURSE, just give me a while to think of some ideas first xD)

Any other ideas?


Do you want me to continue with the first prompt (Hands) for more characters (e.g. Teachers, 1-B, Gen Ed, Big Three, etc.)? Lol tbh, I'm all tuckered out rn with that theme, but I could probably figure something out for some of the other characters.


Feel free to also make unofficial requests. It can be for characters I've already written for too.

But I can only consider them, not officially accept and bind myself to the obligation of finishing all of them or else it'd really stress me out, sorry.

But I'll be keeping in mind the character's overall popularity, which will most likely influence who I write next.


Depending on my mood, I'll switch between writing drabbles and oneshots. 

Lol, I was writing drabbles at first cuz I was too tired to write one big oneshot, but the multi-character drabbles really add up. And the "drabbles" I wrote became pretty fleshed out, ending up as short oneshots too. So I still get exhausted from writing, unfortunately.

Sometimes I get bored of writing the same theme over and over again too, even if it varies slightly from character to character. 

I'll start writing one thing and then lose interest and want to write something else. This infuriating phenomenon especially happens for drabbles.

Basically, I'm very unstable as an author rn, so what I write (the length, format, etc.) will depend on how I'm feeling that day. Just be warned xD. Updates will be very spontaneous and unpredictable. Plz bear with your tired, capricious author xD.

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