Hands (Part Two)

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So... some of the drabbles diverge a bit from this hand(some) theme. Still bout hands, just some relating more subtly than others and/or touching upon additional subjects.

AND... *drumroll plz*

After careful consideration, I have decided to add Mineta to this collection of ikemen! I dedicate it to my good friend, shiishou! Enjoy, Alex ^^! I wrote it just for you ;D!

*I have dedicated the chapter to you, Alex, but know the truth: It's just for Mineta's part and nothing else xD.



"Let's make a potato bomb."


You stared at the pink skinned alien girl standing in front of you, incredulity swirling within the depths of your deep (e/c) eyes. But based on that proud pose- hands planted adamantly on her hips and chest jutted out in pure self-satisfaction, you quickly realized that she was completely serious.

"...don't you mean a potato clock?" You hesitantly inquired for clarification, raising your pointer finger meaningfully and waiting for her answer in unadulterated apprehension. But wouldn't that be an incredibly banal proposal for the Science Fair?

"No, you heard me! A potato bomb!" Ashido cried resolutely, clenching her fist in barely constrained excitement. "We'll hook up a potato to an electron-"

Electron? Did she mean electrode? But would that even make a functioning explosive in the first place? They don't just post bomb-making instructions online, do they?

"-and then kaboom!" Your partner finished, sparkling eyes and all, miming an explosion with her arms to accentuate this powerful sound effect. "Sounds great, right?! Lemme ask Ochaco-chan and Tsuyu-chan!"

"I think it sounds interesting enough for a science experiment, ribbit." - Asui

You facepalmed painfully, sinking deeper into your seat.

"Do you think there'd be baked potato after detonation?!" - Uraraka

Finally having enough, you slammed your hands on your desk and abruptly stood up. "No! I cannot even express how much of a terrible idea that is!" You shrieked, throwing your arms in the air. "First of all, of all the possible materials to choose for a base, why a potato of all things?! Wouldn't some other material suffice- and perhaps a more volatile one like nitroglycerin?" Your hand elucidated your statement with a sharp, downwards cutting blow before rising and gesturing towards the class' problem child. "We literally have a source of it right inside the classroom!"

Though just how willing that "source" would be to offer help was another story.

"And secondly-" You continued, flailing your arms indiscriminately for a moment before they vehemently began signaling an unforgiving "X" across your chest. "Bombs are extremely destructive and dangerous! We'd be disqualified immediately, that is if we aren't instantly suspended and/or expelled from campus! So I'm sorry to say, but I cannot agree with your idea, Mina!" You concluded fervently, the side of your right hand meeting your left palm in a chopping motion. "And you-" Pointing at the other two, you frowned in frustrated exasperation.

The three girls just exchanged a silent glance during your outburst.

"Ochaco and Tsuyu! If you found nothing wrong with us making a goddamn bomb, then I'm frankly terrified to hear what your group's idea for the U.A. Science Fair is!" You closed your eyes and sighed, placing your hands on your hips and leaning forward insistently. Your tone was much gentler now as you realized how harsh and bossy you must've sounded. "The teachers here are trying so hard to accommodate all of us. They already have so much to deal with. Let's try not to make their lives that much harder being hazards to ourselves and other students."

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