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"A contract?" Lynn asked arching an eyebrow "You gotta be kidding me" she chuckled. I wanted to laugh with her and make fun of the whole situation, but I couldn't, because as stupid as it all sounded, it was true. "Jordan made rules and everything!" I exclaimed. It was all true and it was the best thing that could've ever happened to me. Lynn bursted into laughter as I rolled my eyes, but you could spot a smirk blooming in the tip of my lips.

When I was with Lynn it seemed like we've been friends for a lifetime, and by a lifetime I mean one month, two weeks and four days, but hey, who's counting? So I thought it was time to tell her how the guys and I came to be.

"Dude, thats messed up and in the same way kinda cool!" She smiled delighted "But, speaking of... here they come" she sighed. I turned my head towards them and saw them walking towards us with our drinks and snacks. "Sorry, we could've gotten here earlier, but Jordan couldn't decide if he wanted water or soda" Declan scoffed. "Hey! It's a life changing decision, I really need to lower on carbs, but I was really in need of something to keep me awake" Jordan stated "I've been working on a new update for the app. But I'm not telling you guys what's it about" he proudly announced as he sat straight. We all looked at each other, not saying a thing. "Okay, okay, if you insist-" Declan covered his mouth "Jordan, nobody cares" Lynn smiled as she leaned to my ear "Still ship it" she said before she started laughing out loud.
Bennett who had been awfully quiet looked at her then looked back at me "what's up with her?" He asked as he pointed her with his chin. "Mr. Lynch and Mrs. Wallace" I explained. "Oh" he briefly answered as he popped a potato chip into his mouth.

These few past weeks Bennett had been very preserved, and I mean more than usual, ever since he had that family dinner, it all changed with him. I wanted to ask what was wrong, what had him so.... on his own world, the thing is I couldn't decipher any of his expressions, for all I know, instead of being angry, sad or confused he could've been extremely happy and excited about something and he was fan-girling on the inside. When it comes to Bennett an his poker face, who knows?

"Naomi" I heard Jordan call. "Sorry what?" I asked "We were talking about what should we do tomorrow, and you just dozed off" Lynn explained. "How about the amusement park?" I offered. I hadn't been there in a long time and I needed a break from all the stress I had with homework, assignments and exams. "Well, it'll practically be you and Jordan, 'cause neither, Declan, Lynn nor me are free tomorrow" said Bennett "So wed all understand if you don't want to make plans tomorrow, because lets be honest who on earth wants to spend a whole afternoon, with JOR-DUN-DUN-DUN here?" Declan smiled with a spark of amusement in his eyes. "You see!" Jordan exclaimed "It's catching on!" And that's how Declan turned his happy face into a complete death glare. "Dude, its not going to catch on, it'll never catch on and for goodness sake drink your water already, i did not stand in an half an hour line for you to take twenty minutes in deciding whether you wanted to stay awake or follow your diet" He sighed exasperated as he shoved the bottle of water into his chest. "I knew you cared about me" Jordan cooed "you want me to keep hydrated" I let myself chuckle. Jordan looked my way and gave me one of his unique, heart warming and comforting smiles.

"Well, I gotta go study, if I flunk chemistry again, I'll have to do some extra credit and I suck at working more than I have to" Lynn scoffed "But, i'll call you later, Nomi" she mused. "Don't call me that" I sighed.

They all knew I hated Dominic's nickname, but for some reason they all found it funny.

"Whatever, i'll see if I'm willing to answer" I dramatically waved off. Lynn laughed as she walked out of the Mad Hatters cafe. "Where's Cameron?" asked Bennett "I don't know" I answered thinking. It was weird that he wasn't hanging around, and to be honest it wasn't the same...

"Well Naomi, picking you up at two" Jordan winked at me before standing up and leaving the cafe. "Where's he off to?" I asked "Something about his mom and him eating together" Declan shrugged off. "Awww" I smiled. Jordan had this lovable relationship with his mom that I found adorably cute, and once you met her you'd understand where Jordan gets his looks and personality.

"Bennett I've gotta go too, could you take me home?" I asked, he nodded and we both stood up "Yeah, leave me here, don't worry I can walk three kilometers to my house!" Declan scoffed "Cool" Bennett shrugged as he walked off "Oh come on! I was joking!" Declan shouted as we walked off. I turned around and mouthed my apology, he smiled at me and mouthed a "don't worry" back, with that  I ran to keep up with Bennett.

We had an awkward silence between us as we walked to the car. "Bennett, look, I know you don't do emotional talk, but your acting really weird lately" I blurted out. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. All I wanted was to break the silence, not ask him a personal question. He ignored me and got inside the car.

I frankly didn't know either to be comprehensive or hurt. Bennett doesn't usually ignore me or dismiss me, but at the same time, he was probably going through a rough patch and maybe he didn't want to talk about it. "Sorry, It's just that- I- It's complicated" It was as if he was reading my mind, he tried to explain what was happening but he couldn't, which only made the huge pit in my stomach grow. What was it? What made it that of a big deal that he couldn't even tell me?
"Bennett, don't worry I completely understand I don't want to make you feel obligated to do something you don't want to" I smiled sympathetically, and with that said, we didn't speak for a whole 5 minutes.

We stopped in a red light, he had his eyes fixated on the road and I was looking out window wondering how can something so little could be cute, fury and had a cuddly like appearance, thinking that maybe I would like to have a dog. I've never considered myself as a cat person but not completely as a dog person either, but I remember that my grandmother used to have this golden retriever and I would love to play with him, it was an actual devastation when I heard he died, and I think that's the reason I've never wanted a pet. Loss.

"I've been cut off" Bennett confessed bluntly.


Heyy!!! First time I've made an attempt in writing a Fanfic, and to be honest I actually wanted my first time to be with one of my favorite Wattpad novels of all times The Good Girls Bad Boys. I don't know if you liked it or not and I honestly don't know where or if this is heading towards something, but for the meantime it'll just keep me entertained.

Bye 4 now,


PS: Wanna check out more of my work? I'm also working on a project called Drugs & Candy which I think you'll like, but I don't spam, so I'll just leave it there.

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