ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - ᴛᴡᴏ

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“Dean…” Y/N murmured leaping up through excitement a smile gradually forming across her lips. 

She knew that Dean would have come back to surprise her, he’s done this same thing many times before. However this time was different because this had been the longest he’s ever been gone in years and finally he has returned- She was so excited that her mind didn't have anything in it except hugging her green-eyed man and never letting him go again. 

She was finally going to tell him to get a new job, so that they could be together. So that their relationship wouldn’t have to suffer any longer and so their son would have his father around without Dean leaving almost every weekend. 

The family would be happier… More content. Dean would actually get to witness his son grow up and be apart of that amazing process. Nonetheless he would get to see his wife more than just a couple of minutes a day. Simply at the thought of that made Y/N’s heart flutter with excitement. 

“Dean!” She exclaimed, her voice is still a bit low knowing that her son was asleep.  however, when she had jumped into the doorway where she expected to see Dean hanging his jacket like normal, he was nowhere to be seen. 

The door was wide open- obviously she knew her husband would never do such a thing seeing the lock broken in. And that had been when the realization hit her like a rock to the face. 

“Fuck,” She mumbled through wide eyes standing frozen in fear, she didn’t know what in the hell to do. Although, she then remembered her son upstairs. 

She sprinted knowing that his life depended on her at this moment. There was no one that she possibly knew who would break into her house, although that didn’t stop her from assuming the worst. 

Y/N hoped to turn the corner and bump into her husband yet her luck simply wasn't there today, as she finally burst through the door. “Y/S/N…” She quickly scooped up her son into her arms, holding him tight as possible. 

Well that had been what she wished to do however he wasn't anywhere to be found. 

Y/N quickly left his room thinking of any place that he may be able to be found. Yet the only place she could think to go next was her own room. Her son couldn’t make it down the stairs on his own she knew that much. She didn’t know who the hell she could bump into nor did she want to find out. Now all she wanted was to find her son and for her family to be safe. 

“Thank god!” Y/N whispered this time actually swooping up the young boy into her arms. 

“Mowm?” He questioned though tears. “I had a nightmare,” It was obvious to her that he had been searching for her. 

“It’s alright,” She reassured embracing him tighter feeling her sons hot tears hit her neck. 

She had locked the bedroom door however she knew that simply couldn’t be enough, and instead of calling the cops she called the only man that she trusted first… Her husband. 

“Y/N?” He asked on the other line finally picking up at the last ring. “Listen I’m on my way home look I’m sorry I lost track of time and it really won’t happen again,” At the sound of his voice her breath became caught up in her throat- Finally she knew that he was ok. 

“Dawd,” Y/S/N said hearing heavy footsteps heading toward the door Y/N quickly backed away looking for anything to defend herself with. 

“Dean listen someone broke into the house and now I’m trapped in our room… I don’t know what to do-” 

“What the hell? Who’s in the house-” 

“I don’t know Dean! Me and Y/S/N are trapped in here… What the hell do I do?” Y/N began to hypoventilate gazing around the room only to find nothing suitable for taking down an unknown person. 

“Grab the briefcase in the bottom of the closet and take it out, climb out the window and meet me at the Walmart parking lot the one an hour away,” He ordered as if this was something he had been planning for. 

“Ok… Ok-” She mumbled grabbing the briefcase in her free arm… However she knew that it would be difficult to get out the window with her hands full. “Dean I’m scared will you call the cops?” 

“Don’t worry I’ll be on the phone with you the whole time… And no! No cops! Alright I’m not sure how the intruder got in in the first place but they’ll be caught once you’re safely out of there,” He reassured as she could hear his sigh on the other line. 

Suddenly Y/N could hear more footsteps getting closer, once she finally got the window open. “Don’t look Y/S/N,” She murmured quickly making sure that his face was hidden in her shoulder. 

Now all she had to do was jump. “I-I can’t bring myself to jump Dean,” 

“Y/N you’re going to be fine it’s only eight feet you’ll be fine land on-” However she didn’t hear the rest before jumping down after throwing the briefcase to the ground she shielded her son with her arms landing on her back with a loud thud. 

Everything ached however she knew that she would live… And that she had to get out of there. She wanted nothing more than to head to the police station, however, she ended up listening to Dean’s words. 

“Y/N! Y/N? Are you alright?” Her husband was panicking on the other line as Y/N quickly picked back up her phone. 

“I’m fine… We’re getting in the car now,” Y/N halted in her steps though seeing a black van in her driveway and a shadowy figure moving around her house. The figure through the window turned her way and they made eye contact. 

Yellow eyes. 

She pulled the keys from her pocket which luckily she had on her jumping in the car not even buckling her son up, and driving off without a word. She glanced back in the mirror seeing a mysterious man staring at her car from the lawn. 

Shivers danced up and down Y/N’s spine, whilst she glanced down at the toddler in her arms. “Y/S/N are you alright?” Fear struck the mother by surprise as he gazed up at her through teary eyes. 

“That Scary,” Her son mumbled gripping onto her shirt tightly. 

Suddenly she remembered her phone grabbing it from the cup holder. “Dean-” Yet she quickly stopped herself seeing that her phone had died. 

Just the thing that she needed. 

She wanted to tell him to meet her at the police station, that everything was going to be ok… That they had made it out of their safely- However they weren't safe yet. Now they were on the run, with nowhere to go and barely any money to get by. 

However, she knew that maybe it would be beneficial to spend the night at the walmart parking lot until Dean got there...  Although the briefcase sitting in the passenger seat seemed pretty worthy of being opened. 

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