1: Finding them

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''Yah! You roach looking potato, you hurt my baby'' You yelled pushing Tasuki aside while running towards your ice cream he knocked over while trying to show you some trick he learned but failed greatly at

''Hey! Not my fault it was in my way'' Tasuki shrugged, you glared at him while wiping the rest of the remaining up

''The Heck are you talking about, it was on the other side of the bench!'' Groaning you threw the now ruined ice cream in to the trash and walked away from Suki who took a minute to realize

''Yah! Minako, wait up!'' He yelled but you continued to walk back home

''I'll buy you another on-- OW!'' Suki yelled in pain with a big thud

Turning around you see Tasuki rubbing his knee, shaking your head you walk over to see if it was anything serious

'' Yah! How'd you even fall??'' You asked checking his knee he pouted and hissed when you touched his scrapes that started to form

'' It was that damn box '' He said nodding his head towards the box you smacked him in the head

''Ow! I mean dang, dang box Jeez.'' He corrected as he rubbed his now temporary injured head. Hmm...

when did that even get there?? Leaving Suki on the ground still in the position he started out on, you walk towards the box wondering what's in it and how it got there

Out of habit you reach your hand towards the box slowly to add a dramatic feature as you try to guess in your head what it may be

'' Yah! Yah! YAH'' Suki yelled grabbing your attention just an inch before you open it

''What?'' You questioned confused looking at him

''Don't open it! you don't know what's in there!'' He claimed staring at the box, you looked a him with a dumb look

''That's the purpose of me opening it'' You stated rolling your eyes

''But what if it something dangerous or worse life threaten??'' He questioned

''We'll never know if we don't open it'' You said reaching towards the top, opening it up you saw 7 stuffed toys looking a little dirty lying in the box

''It's just toys'' You said lifting up the koala one showing it off to Tasuki

''Good to know now leave it there and let's go home'' He said in a rush manner standing from the ground with a dramatic grunt taking the stuffed animal out of your hand and placing it back in the box and pushing you away from it

''Wait! I want to take them too'' You said stopping in place and turning back towards the box and Suki spun you around back to front

''Why? You never take random things off the street home!'' He exclaimed but you pushed him to the side a little and went to grab the box

''Stop being a baby Suki, they're just toys'' You said, now carrying the box you continue back to your house leaving Tasuki once again

'' I'm not being a baby! Just being cautious, something you never are'' He started as he jogged up to you, you continue your path home ignoring his speech of how your never think before doing something and how you have a great friend here trying to protect you blah blah blah


Finally making it home you wave off Tasuki who lives two houses down from yours

''See you later Minako!'' Suki waved walking towards his own

''Bye Tasuki, you still owe me ice cream!'' You said he nodded while waving once more, as you shut your door with keys and the box still in your hands

Removing your shoes, you place your keys on the table and take the box to your room which is filled with stuffed penguins and random photos you take during hikes you force Tasuki to go on

''Now to clean these toys off'' You mutter to yourself, placing the box on the floor you pull out all of the toys one by one

A Koala, a sheep with a bandanna around it's neck , a cookie, one with a horse masked head, a puppy wearing a yellow hoodie, one with a heart for a head and finally a bunny. Interesting mix we have here. You grabbed all of them and walked towards your bathroom

Placing them in the tub you grab a scrubber & mint liquid soap. Getting onto your knees you begin to run only a little bit of water as you wash each one, one by one and drying them in the process as well

''Van where are you?!'' You yelled for your dog who is probably sleeping in the kitchen right now. You then begin to hear paws running against your wooden floor as van ran excitedly into the bathroom

''Hey boy! Can you go get me a basket?'' You asked he barked and ran out of the room to retrieve a basket

Running back at same speed he placed the basket near your feet and tried to lay in it

''Haha not today bud, it's for the toys'' You said placing him out of the basket he whined and ran to your bed waiting for you to come

You placed the toys in there one by one and brought them back to your room

''Van can you move Pato for me?'' You asked, he bit onto your huge penguin and dragged it off your bed, placing the now cleaned stuffed toys into your bed you called Van back up, which he instantly jumped back on

''Time for bed bud'' You said rubbing his stomach he rolled over and let you lay down and settle in before placing his heavy body on top of your stomach to rest

''Night Van, night friends'' You said silencing your phone knowing Suki would spam you in the morning and closed your eyes too lazy to turn off the light, not knowing what awaits for tomorrow..


Hiya guys!

Just wanted to put out there Minako & Tasuki are Korean not Japanese & Van is a dog because why not? Anyways love you guys! Have a good Night .+:(≧∇≦)ノ゚.+:

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