4 - barbarella silver swimsuit

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Alex called to me from the studio. "Wait! You dropped something!"

I didn't have time to respond. I ran right out those doors and jumped in my car, frantic as I jammed the keys in and drove off. I had spent too much time at work, that I completely forgot about the swim class I taught on Fridays! How could I have forgotten? I was always excited for them, but I guess I was a little more distracted lately. 

I quickly changed in the car into a silver two-piece that I had gotten pretty new, and sped walk barefoot to the edge of the pool. My students would yell at me if I ran. Well, they'd yell at me anyways--they were all children. 

I told everybody I was sorry for being late, and sat on the edge of the pool, dipping my legs into the cool blue. All the kids stared at me with bright faces. The sun beat down on my head. "Cominciamo, tutti!" 

We probably only got five minutes into the lesson. 


I was in the pool holding up little Andrea as she floated and my head snapped up. "Alex?"

Alex was standing a little breathless near the edge of the pool, his tee clinging to his body from sweat. It was really hot out today. "I, uh," he started, "you dropped a cheque. Figured it was important."

I cleared my throat, helping Andrea back into the shallow end, and told the kids to talk among themselves.

Then I swam to the edge of the pool and pulled myself up, a bunch of water dripping as I stood. Even though I was never shy in a bathing suit, I was finding myself shy in front of him. The fabric clung to my body. 

Alex stopped blinking. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack. 

"You okay?" I twisted my hair so some of the water dripped out. 

His shoulders rose faster as he breathed. 

My eyes made their way to the cheque in his hand and then back to his eyes. "Alex?"

He looked away from me, extending his hand with the cheque. "You dropped this earlier. Sorry for interrupting. I didn't know you taught a swimming class."

My face felt really red. "Yeah... I like the water. You didn't need to bring this, you know."

"It's a lot of money--I didn't want you to lose it."

"That's really sweet, but it's to give somebody else, not to me. It's not worth anything yet."

Alex cleared his throat. "Oh. Sorry."

I set the cheque on one of the chairs. This felt so awkward. Being half naked in front of one of my clients wasn't something I ever let happen. "I should get back to the lesson."

Alex finally took a glance back at me. He was trying so, so hard to only look at my eyes and not anything below that it was kind of funny. "I guess I'll get back to the studio."

I hadn't even noticed little Andrea walk up to Alex. She tugged on his jeans. "Sei anche il nostro insegnante?"

Alex smiled. "Uh... I don't understand what you're saying."

I snorted accidentally when I laughed. "She asked if you were another teacher."

"No, definitely not. Can't swim."

My brows lifted. "What? Really?"

"Unfortunately, it's true--" Alex looked down as Andrea grabbed his hand, tugging him towards the pool. His eyes widened. "Er, sorry kid, I'm not your teacher--"

Andrea jumped into the pool, still holding Alex's wrist. She was pretty small, but heavy enough to pull Alex in, making a huge splash. 

Oh shit. 

I dove right in, pulling Andrea away and moving her to the shallow end again. She was giggling. Alex had surfaced and I helped move him to the side. He sat on the edge while I stayed in the pool. 

I was really worried, but Alex was actually laughing. His clothing was soaked, and his shirt turned translucent enough that I could see beneath it. He had abs and a thin line of hair that disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. Damn. "Wow, that kid's got grip."

I broke into laughter. "I was worried. You said you couldn't swim."

"Not well. M'not a teacher, like you." He wiped away some hair that dripped from his forehead. He was looking down at me. "Hope I didn't ruin the lesson."

I shook my head, grinning so wide it hurt. "Don't worry. I should be sorry one here. Thanks for bringing the cheque."

Alex nodded, his face turning a bit red. He broke the only-look-at-my-eyes rule for a second. "I guess I'll be going."

I nodded. I wanted him to stay for some reason, but there was no way I'd ever ask. It'd be unprofessional, considering there was no real reason I needed a client with me. "A domani."

"What does that mean?" Alex stood up, wringing out the hem of his tee. 

I waved my fingers as he left. "See you later."

He laughed and shoved his hands in the wet pockets of his jeans, turning away from the pool. He sounded really happy for some reason. "See ya, Mia."

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