3 - catching the light

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Leo was being a jackass. 

"Can you tell them I'm sorry for breaking that? I really didn't mean to," Alex said, picking up pieces from the shattered cup on the grass. He accidentally knocked it over when he saw me walk on set--we were in the park for a photoshoot. The sun had just broken out along the horizon.

Leo grimaced, crossing his arms. His hair was sleeked back. "Lui ha rotto la tazza di proposito."

He told everybody Alex did it on purpose.

"Thanks," Alex smiled, crouching on the ground. Everybody was now glaring at him, and he had no idea why. It was really hot outside and he used the back of his hand to wipe the forehead hidden under his bangs. 

"Don't thank him," I mumbled, sitting in front of Alex and picking up the last piece of the cup. 

Alex's lids lifted. I could see a slip of skin under his shirt as he leaned forward. "Why?"

I shook my head and told everybody that this was an accident in Italian, glaring at Leo. My ex only smiled back. Of course he was messing around with the guy he knew liked me. 

Alex's eyes shifted from me to him, his voice deflating. "He didn't tell everybody I was sorry, did he?"

"No," I whispered, taking the pieces from his hands and throwing it out. Leo was an asshole. That's why I broke up with him in the first place. 

"I," Alex mumbled, scratching the hair near the back of his neck, "like the dress."

I was wearing a yellow sundress that I only wore on special occasions. I loved it because of the bright colour, and played with the straps. My heart was beating fast for some reason and that was not okay. "Alex," I sighed. 

"I know, I know. Sorry," he said, turning away from me as if the sun hurt his eyes. 

I felt bad but ignored it like I always do. "We're taking a few pictures of the band for a magazine spread. I got a journalist to review your album, and you can trust they'll give a good review."

Alex nodded. 

"It'll be easy to get the shots," I said in a sing-song voice, trying to cheer him up. "You look great."

His lips curved up. "Glad you think that."

"Well you are quite the pretty boy," Leo interrupted, stepping in and stuffing his hands in his pockets. He had cargo shorts that showed off the muscles in his calves. "So you should probably let the men hit on her."

Alex stiffened up.

I glared at Leo as if it might hurt him. "You're a real jackass, you know that?"

Leo grinned. "You know you love my ass. You've surely seen it enough times."

Heat rose to my face. I clenched my fists. Of course Leo had to be an ass--he couldn't just let me do my job. 

Alex raised his brows. "You two are a thing?"

"No," I snapped. 

Leo shrugged. "We were. But I know she still wants me, so maybe you should reconsider pining after her, because your heart's only gonna get broken." 

I couldn't believe he was saying this. I forced tears away from my eyes. 

Alex's eyes were soft as he looked to me, but hardened as he looked to Leo. "I see. You're jealous."

Leo was incredulous. "What?"

"Being an absolute wanker when somebody comes along who doesn't treat your girl like shit?" Alex clenched his jaw, the sunlight lightening his eyes to the colour of oak. He lowered his voice. "Jealousy isn't a good colour on you, mate."

My jaw dropped. Nobody ever stuck up for me against Leo.

I laughed and it made Leo's chest huff. He didn't have a good reply, so all he muttered under his breath was, "Vaffanculo," and stormed off set. Meaning fuck off. 

 Alex turned to me once he was gone, his brows furrowing with a hint of disgust. "Does Leo bother you a lot?"

I let out a huge breath. "Usually he's just unpleasant, but I keep him around because his dad's invested too much in the PR agency I work for. If I ever fire Leo, his dad might fire me, so I don't have a choice but to keep him." I rubbed my eyes with my heels, calming myself down. I had a job I needed to get back to. My mouth was dry. "Truly, thank you."

"For what?"

I slid my hands off my face and touched his arm lightly. "Can we forget this ever happened? Don't listen to anything he says, okay?"

Alex's arm stiffened. His eyes trailed from my fingers to my eyes, holding the stare a little longer than anticipated. Then he forced a smile. "He's... kind of my only translator."

My hand slipped off his arm and I felt cold afterwards. "I'll be your translator from now on."

Alex nodded, about to turn away. But he didn't go. He added as almost an afterthought--"You shouldn't listen to anything he says, too."

I shrugged lightly.

"Seriously," he whispered. "I'm sorry you have to keep him around."

I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress. Alex looked at me as if I was broken. "It is what it is." 

Then I turned into Mia, the good PR agent, shouting at everybody to finish getting set up. I lit a smoke from some organic cigarettes and got one of the staff to pose the band for a shot, making sure to get the city buildings of Italy and the trees of the park in the background. The sun's flare would make a fantastic spread. Work distracted me.

Everybody's attention was on getting the shot, except for Alex, who was also distracted. He kept glancing over at me, with the a flicker of curiosity and longing. And for some reason, I liked it. 

Yeah, definitely one of my most interesting clients. 

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