Chapter One: Goodbyes

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"Goodbye."my mother said as tears shined in her eyes. "Come home, please I can't lose you too."
None of us had forgotten about the passing years before. She was so small and so innocent that I couldn't bring myself to say her name.
It was the day of the 'taking' as we call it. Every 15 year old in our region would be taken to this camp. It was time for me to go at last. I could hardly speak and imagine the next few months.
"I love you so much Mum. Please don't forget that." I said hugging her.
"You can remind me when you get home." she said even though my chances were slim. In the 100 who were sent in my town, only 10 would return.
My dad tried not to get emotional but couldn't keep his distraught a secret.
"Just come home Cynthia, you're strong and we love you very much." he said. I cant imagine how hard it was trying to say goodbye to there oldest child, there only daughter.
"I promise I'll be home when this is over." I said.
"Don't you break that promise Cinn." Dad said.
They both embraced me as I hugged them as tight as I could. I don't know why I didn't scream and run around but I managed not to. I knew this day would come. I packed nothing as the rules stated. My mother gave me a photo to remember them. I tucked it safely in my pocket before heading towards the town centre where I was all really to become a pig of to slaughter.

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