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My heart stopped. I've never experienced such a feeling as I watched with anger and fear. The death of a friend, the death of a loved one. This wasn't fair my thoughts screamed at me. Part of me wanted to run and scream at the world for its sin and faults. Part of me was too shocked to do anything. Part of me didn't know what to do. What could I do? What did I have to do? Someone has to make a stand and fight for what is right! I was worthless and my friend, she is needed by plenty of people. Myself knew what I should do.
What is a world full of execution and pain? What is a world of sin? My question was answered. This world is a world of sin and pain. Nothing is right except one thing we have left. Friendship can't be destroyed even after death as those you love are forever with us. Forever remembered and forever here.
'No!' I shouted with anger and sadness shining through my eyes.

Befriended with betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now