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It was 9 months since Niall's disappearance, and a lot has happened...

I, for one, finally stopped crying and started focusing on finding Niall. At this moment it was the only thing I could think of. I need to find him.

And believe me, there was weeks of searching before I finally found a clue.

I had remembered what I told Niall the last time I saw him. I told him I wanted Italian, so I went to the most famous Italian restaurant Agatha's.


Once I was there, I took Niall's picture to my lips and hugged it with a whisper of, "I love you," hoping for a sign to come out of this.

I got out of the car and made my way to the entrance. I really, really hope this gods well, I took a deep breath as I clutched the handle before I opened it.

"Welcome to Agatha's Italian Restaurant, do you have a reservation?" A red haired man said with a smile.

I shook my head,"No, that's not what I'm here for."

The man, whose name tag said Trevor, frowned and said,"Then how can I help you?"

I handed him Niall's picture,"My boyfriend went missing a week before Christmas and this was his last known location, I was hoping to get some help?"

Trevor's eyes widened,"He was here! He was with a man and he looked afraid when he came in and then he was crying when I served them! Will that help?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!" I hugged him tightly,"Thank you so, so, so, much." I let go of him and in a rush said,"Can you come with me? So that you can describe how the man looked to the police?"

Trevor nodded,"Of course, I'll just need to inform the manager."



"So, Maura, do you recognize this man? Maybe from Niall's past?" The detective said turning the computer to Maura, the screen showed the man who Trevor describe.

Maura's eyes widen and she gasps,"Th-that's Tyler!" She clenched her fists,"Oh, when I get my hands on him, I swear to god, I'll rip him to shreds!"

"How does Tyler have a part in Niall's life?" The detective asked pay no mind to Maura's threat because

NMWAAM, Never Mess With An Angered Mother.

"He was Niall's boyfriend." Maura said glaring at the man sketched in the computer,"He was abusive, physically, mentally, a-and" She looked away trying to hide her tears,"sexually...he made him sleep with his perverted and older friends using threats and manipulation, that's why we moved him here with his uncle.

"Of course, he later moved in with his friends, when his uncle suffered a heart attack."


And after days and days of searching,

they found him.


cliff hanger! Mwah-hahahaha!

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