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Ginger walks towards the tree and SNAP! The bear trap clutches on her foot.  She screams in pain and Zerina runs over to Ginger to help get it off of her. Lacey then runs over to the girls and kicks Zerina in the face, Lacey then climbs on top of her and says "Try to move and I will cut your fucking head off your shoulders." She takes the rope and ties Zerina up securely, placing tape on her mouth afterwards.  Lacey looks at Ginger, Ginger says "What the hell are you doing you psychotic mother fucker!!" Lacey answers "I'm going to take you where Amiya is" followed by a horrific laugh. Lacey ties up Ginger's hands behind her back and wraps her mouth with tape all the way around her head. "I'll be right back mother fucker" Lacey drags Zerina into the tree house, takes the knife she has and slices the back of Zerina's feet so she won't be able to run away. Lacey then tapes Zerina's arms so they would be pressed against her body, and kicks her in the head leaving Zerina knocked out on the cold wood floor.

Lacey goes back out to get Ginger; on her way there she finds an axe by some cut up wood. Lacey grabs the axe and continues on her way to Ginger. As she gets to ginger she raises the axe and hits Ginger in the middle of her kneecap so she can't maneuver on her own, let alone wonder off in between her little murderous sessions. Lacey loosens the bear trap and tugs Ginger in the direction she wants her to go. Ginger falls to the ground and begins to squirm away. Lacey quickly put the axe to her throat and said "Bitch if you don't stop I will stomp this fucking axe into your precious little throat, you prissy cunt!" Ginger hushed up quickly and Lacey dragged her by her ankles towards the tree house.

            Lacey and Ginger gets to the tree house, Lacey pushes Ginger against the ladder and says "Climb Bitch!! You're too fucking fat for me to pull up." Ginger begins to climb up, struggling to hold her weight she stops for a breath. Lacey then begins to push her up to help her. They get into the tree house and Ginger sees both of her friends on the floor. Lacey kicks Ginger over to the side and sits her up. Lacey walks over to Kayloriana and rips the tape from her mouth. No sound exits her mouth until Lacey places some dirt into her wound on her leg. Kayloriana screams and Lacey takes the knife and slices her cheek "Shut your got damn mouth before you die without the party starting" Kayloriana begins to weep as Lacey goes to grab the two bottles. (Reminder: One of the bottles contains salt water and the other contains bleach.)

            When Lacey returns from getting the bottles she places them in the middle of the floor. Lacey then goes in a bag and pulls out some wheat, bamboo paper, and baby powder then started to roll the wheat up in the bamboo paper. She then started smoking and blowing it into the girls faces, one by one. After Lacey finished smoking the wheat she sniffed some baby powder and grabbed the bottle with bleach. She walks over to Ginger and ties her up tightly so she can't move. Lacey sits down next to Ginger then takes her by her hair and puts her leg over Gingers throat, pinning her down. Lacey grabs the bleach bottle and asks Ginger "Eyes, Nose, or Mouth?" Ginger says "Your fucking mouth! I'm going to fuck you up when I get loose!!"  Lacey looks at Ginger with a blank face, she holds her left eye open and pours a little of the bleach on her pupil then let Ginger go. Lacey closes the bottle as she dances to Gingers agonizing scream. Lacey sniffs more baby powder then maliciously looks over at Zerina only to see her squirming and moaning.

Bullied..Lacey's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now