39. levitate - eddie kaspbrak

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Yes: [✔️] ; by @hannahhyatt14
No: []

Song?: No

Hannah woke to something wet hitting her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and her head was pounding. She sat up slowly, trying let her eyes adjust to the murky darkness before her. Where was she? She struggled to remember, but then it hit her, and she gasped out loud.

She had been with her older brother, Richie, and they were at the arcade. He was pissed after Bill had punched him, and he wasn't in the greatest mood. Hannah had walked away from him playing Street Fighter, trying to find a game that she liked, all while trying to forget about this clown ordeal that had all of them shaken up. She was sad, because her boyfriend, Eddie Kaspbrak, had broken his arm, and his mother had banned him from seeing his friends, which included her. The last thing she remembered was heading towards the bathroom, then nothing.

A light groan came from her right on the cold and wet ground. Hannah turned her head to see Beverly, one of her friends, sitting up as well. "Are you okay?" the brown-haired girl asked cautiously.

"Yeah," Beverly replied, with a shiver. "We're in the sewers," she said in a deathly quiet whisper.

Hannah's blue eyes went wide, and she pushed herself hurriedly off the ground and pulling the redhead up too. "We have to get out of here!" she cried frantically. Her eyes scanned the huge room, and the mountain of items cast a shadow upon her. "We need to find a way out!"

Beverly nodded, stumbling as she walked with Hannah. The red-haired girl fell, and the other helped her up quickly. A demonic voice rang out mechanically, rhyming a death message while playing the tune of jack-in-the-box. A small clown burst up from the box, causing Hannah to jump.

A large slab of wood fell open like a bridge, revealing a backdrop that looked like hell on earth. Pennywise, the clown, stood there, and circus music began playing. He started to dance manically, but his eyes stayed focused on them as he sped up, moving faster and faster.

Hannah's eyes fell on a door, and she pulled Beverly over to it, but not quick enough. Pennywise jumped out and grabbed them both, holding their necks in each hand. He made faces at them, trying to frighten them, but they both smacked at his arms, trying to make him release them. "We're not scared of you," Beverly snarled at him.

His eyes narrowed. "You will be," he growled. His eyes rolled back, and his face began to open up, peeling back all the way to his forehead. Rows and rows of sharp teeth shone in the fiery light of the backdrop. Three blinding lights burned their eyes, causing them to fall into a deep paralysis-like sleep as the girls floated into the air.

Hannah felt like she was flying. She couldn't see, and she couldn't move. But it felt as if she was. But, it wasn't the good kind of flying, like with wings towards whatever you could dream of. It felt like she was being pulled through the air, downward, as if she was falling to the center of earth.

The air was cold and musty, and it felt like there was a thousand weights on her lungs, making it difficult to breath. Each breath was labored, even though there was no reason for it to be. It felt like she wasn't breathing in anything at all, making her throat hurt and chest burn.

Her blue eyes had gone cloudy, like someone had stolen the shine from them. She could only see darkness, but different shades of it. It seemed that there were shadows drifting around her, coming closer but never touching her. They were almost like demons, or grim reapers, but they never placed a hand on her.

Her ears were numb, and she heard voices. They weren't clear at all, but like she was listening underwater. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but she knew that they weren't familiar or friendly. Maybe it was those shadows talking to her.

But then, she heard it. A voice so much like home. And then another. One that was like a warm embrace. She couldn't hear the words, but she could hear the way they pronounced their words, and she could almost see the way the words would form on their lips. Richie and Eddie. They were here.

Suddenly, Hannah felt the flying feeling stop. Instead, it was like she was drifting down slowly, like a piece of paper fluttering down to the ground. She felt a warmth on her legs, then it was on her shoulders, and she could sense a floor below her feet.

She wanted so desperately to call out to Richie. To tell him that she was sorry for being annoying sometimes and stealing his shirts without asking. She wanted to cry out to Eddie. To shout that she never wanted to lose him and that she loved him with all her heart and mind.

The warmth appeared on her neck, leaving her shoulders cold again. Then, she felt the warmth grow through her whole body, as if she was being melted from a frozen state. It started at her lips and slowly sunk downwards to her toes.

Her eyes gained their brightness and her skin returned to its normal color. She took in a deep breath and filled her lungs with air. Her eyes were gifted their sight back, and they fell upon Eddie, holding her neck with his hands, one of them in a cast. "Eddie," she whispered.

Hannah threw her arms around the boy, who wrapped his own around her waist. He held her tightly, never wanting to let go of her again. He mumbled apologies for letting this happen to her into her hair, and warm tears slipped from his eyes. He couldn't imagine what he would've done if he had lost her. "It's okay, Hannah," he said quietly, "I'm here. I'm here."

She leaned away from the embrace and placed a kiss on his lips, one that told him everything she couldn't express with words. When she pulled away, she was scooped into another hug, where her brother buried his face in her neck, hugging her unlike he'd ever had before. He was so scared. So scared that he had lost his little sister, the only person who truly had stuck with him through everything. "I'm okay," she whispered to him, and he lifted his head. "Really, Richie, I am."

Richie backed away from her, wiping under his glasses. Hannah looked over and saw Beverly hugging Ben tightly, before the others joined in. "Where's Bill?" Beverly asked.

They all looked to their left, knowing he had run around the item mountain. "We have to go after him," Hannah said quietly, then she raised her voice. "We have to go help him!"

The other's nodded, and they quickly ran after their friend. They weren't going to leave Bill behind to fend for himself. He needed their help. They were stronger together, and Hannah refused to let him go on his own against Pennywise. They were going to save him. Save every one of them. After all, they had come to save her.

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