Chapter 3 ✈

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The day went by quickly - obviously as I slept for almost the whole day, but still. Once I woke up again my mind was cleared and the terrible head ache that I had been dealing with before I fell asleep was now gone and it actually felt good. My mind was positive until I actually woke up from my daydreaming after my sleep, and I came back to the real world that is filled with problems. I looked around and found no one in sight.


The sun was bright and it was shining down on my small body that layed on the shore, my legs were slightly burned by the hot sun but a tan appeared in the same way. I had made a big mistake by not shaving my legs before the trip, but as I didn’t knew that the plane would actually crash I couldn’t really blame myself either. The hair on my legs was growing and it wasn’t really a pretty sight - long, dirty hair shafts.


I felt instantly dirty, just thinking about what I had been through the past 48 hours. I tried to block away the disgusting thoughts that I had circling around in my head but it was honestly hard. My mind drifted off to thinking about the holiday that I would’ve been having right now if the plane would’ve crashed.


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream, it wasn’t high pitched at all which made me laugh a bit. I turned my head around to see Daniel in Beaus arms, terrified by the look on his face. At the same time as Daniel was terrified Beau was laughing hysterically at the boy in his arms. Somehow Beau saw that I was laughing at them but probably also saw the confusion I had written over my face so he somehow managed to point down to the sand where a crayfish was sitting, staring at Daniel. When I finally had realised why Daniel was screaming I burst out in a louder laugh than earlier which made Beau laugh even more and accidently dropped Daniel. He landed onto the sand and let out a high pitched scream.

“The fucking crayfish bit me” He screamed and ran up from the sand and made his way back to the shelter. The crayfish on the other hand was now bruised - if you could say that; he was more squashed by the impact of Daniels body that was previously pressed onto the crayfish.

Beaus laughing got louder as Daniels body dropped to the shore; obviously the boy had tripped over something, maybe another crayfish. No one knows.




The day flew away and the night came sneaking in over the island. We all started to eat our dinner - which contained mostly just fruits because that was the only thing we had obtained so far - so we wouldn’t have to eat when it was pitch black on the shore. We didn’t have anything that could light up the place or the shelter which made us a little limited. We could only do stuffs in the morning and day, but of course since the sun rose pretty early we did have enough hours to do our work on.


We ate in silence as the sunset sunk down into the sea. A few started talking after a while and light mumbling could be heard from the shore but it was comfortable.


My eyes started getting heavy so I laid down on the sand, not caring about any animals or how dirty it was; I was too exhausted for some weird reason. I mean I had slept for a long time but my body was still not satisfied.


My body soon started to drift of the sleep but as soon as I felt someone hugging me from behind my eyes shot open again. I turned my head around but I kept my body in the same position. I saw Daniel laying there with his eyes closed. He looked rather cute if I would be honest. I layed back down and closed my eyes again and drifted to sleep.

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