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"I love her I really do love her" is all I can think of on my way to the hospital, I only wish that this taxi would travel faster. Finally the taxi pulls up to the hospital I quickly jump out paying the driver but not bothering to tip them, I don't have time for that.

I rush up to the receptionist.

"What room could I find Greyson Rosario in?"

"I'm but I can't release that information unless, you provide identification" I pull out my licence and show her

"I'm not supposed to let anyone but family in but her parents told me that if Marina Aleksandrovski did really show up, to let you in so, down the hall last room on the left" she smiles as take off down the hall

I get into the room and see Mr. Rosario and Mrs. Rosario sitting on either side of Greyson, both holding one of her hands in tears, afraid to lose their daughter. Mrs. Rosario looks up and sees me standing on the doorway.

"Marina dear please come over here" she try's to make out a smile which is hard due to the state of health her daughter is in. I walk over to where Mrs. Rosario is sitting and she stands up and goes to stand next to Mr. Rosario.

I grab Greyson's hand and with the other hand I trace her lips, before placing my lips against hers, for the first and probably last time. I'm about to walk out of the room when, I hear my name

"Marina?" It's Greyson, she calls out my name and I rush back to her.

"Greyson, I'm so glad your awake. I don't know what I would have done If I lost you too"

"Marina, come closer" Greyson says and I obey, she takes a deep breath and then pulls me closer pressing her lips against mine. When she pulls away I break out crying

"Greyson, I almost lost you so I'm going to say this now I love you" Greyson blushes and then smiles

"I love you too Marina"

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