Jungkook | Ever-Lasting

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If you really want to enjoy this story(if you want to cry while reading this), please turn on the music above.


The streaks of shimmering moonlight shone through the window, illuminating the dark room brightly. I stared at the stars with teary eyes and inhaled the cold misty dawn air deeply.

The house was quiet, but my head wasn't. There were millions of thoughts swirling around in my mind, making me dizzy with pain.

I turned back to Jungkook, who was sleeping on the bed like a little baby, breathing unevenly. I pursed my lips to stop tears from coming out.

"Jungkook-ah." I whispered softly as I slowly lied down next to him. His long eyelashes were wet with tears and his hair was all soaked in sweat.

"Jungkook-ah." I called again, caressing his cheek.

There was no answer.

I let out a loud sigh and wrapped my arms around him, drifting off to sleep.


The weak rays of sunlight woke me up.

Jungkook was still asleep.

"Jungkook-ah." I spoke softly, running my fingers through his hair.

With a small moan, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Noona..." He mumbled half asleep.

I placed my hand on his forehead and as expected, he had a high fever.

It had been almost a year, and I should be used to it by now, but...I just couldn't. The healthy, cheerful Jungkook kept running around in my head, laughing brightly as ever.

I was scared to open my eyes. Seeing him suffering like this was just too painful to watch.

"Sleep more, Kookie." I told him, holding back the tears.

He weakly nodded in reply and closed his eyes once again.

The only sound I could hear was him breathing in and out heavily.

Tears ran down my cheeks endlessly, and I had to pinch myself to stop my hands from shaking.

"I - I am sorry, Jungkook." I whispered through tears, clenching onto the needle tighter in my hand.

The sharp point of the needle dug into Jungkook's soft, pale skin.

I bit my lip harder, causing it to bleed. I threw my head back and let the tears fall down freely as I pushed the needle farther into his skin.

"N-Noona..." Jungkook mumbled, weakly opening his eyes to look at me.

His voice made me cry harder.

"It hurts...Please take it out." He whispered weakly, his breathing irregular.

I bit my lip again and tried my best to calm my shaking body.

"Noona..." He whispered again. "Is this needle going to cure me? Is that it?"

I nodded through my tears. "Yes..Jungkook. You won't be in pain after this. This will cure you."

My heart ached.

I am sorry, Jungkook, for lying to you.

"Noona." He called again, his eyes without focus.


"..I know."


"I know that this needle will kill me."

He smiled weakly at me, barely keeping his eyes open.

I bursted into tears again.

"Jungkook-ah..." I called, my voice shaking with tears.




His hand helplessly dropped on the bed and his heavy breathing slowly started fading away.


There was no answer.

I knew this would happen, and I thought I was ready for it, but..now that it actually happened, I just couldn't resist the tears.

Crying my hear out, I hugged the cold body of my younger brother, breathing heavily.

You won't be sick there anymore, Jungkook.

You won't suffer anymore.

You'll be happy...

My shirt was all soaked in tears.

I couldn't hear him breathing anymore.

He went off to a better place.

My eyes ached from too much tears. I wanted to stop crying, but I couldn't.

His beautiful smile kept wandering around in front of my eyes.


My eyes slowly closed.

"..I am sorry, my dongsaeng."


P.S. I made this into a Youtube video, so if you want to watch it, here's the link -




If anyone needs an explanation for this, please read here -

So Jungkook and Y/N are siblings, and Jungkook has a sickness that can't be cured. So everyday Jungkook suffers because of his sickness, and to Y/N - his sister - can't bare to look at him, since it hurts her too much. Everyday Jungkook's sickness got worse, and that meant his suffering got worse as well. So Y/N didn't have a choice but to give Jungkook an injection that'll send him to a better place. Because that was the best she could do for her poor younger brother.

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