Ch. 3

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Later that day, while Gibbs was in the interrogation room with the dead petty officer's girlfriend, McGee's phone beeped, indicating he had a new text message.

Tim pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced around to make sure no one was in the area before he read the message, You forgot to get my # LOL.

He was confused for a moment before realizing it had to be Beth. A smile played on his lips as he texted back, Sorry, I didn't want to be late for work either. Now I have it LOL.

A voice at his shoulder startled him. "Who are you texting, McGee?" Tony asked, trying to look over his shoulder and at his phone. Ziva smiled, heading to her desk as Tim closed his cell quickly, before Tony could see who it was from and what the messages said.

"No one Tony."

"It didn't look like no one, Probie," Tony replied, heading back to his desk, a smirk on his face.

"Well, it was. Now will you leave me alone?" Tim asked, saving Beth's number before putting his phone in his desk.

"Is it a girl, McGee?" Ziva asked, glancing over at her team mate. When he didn't answer and only blushed, she knew she had her answer. She smiled before going back to her computer.

"Oh, so McElfLord has a girlfriend. Good job! So who is she?" Tony asked, typing on his computer, glancing over to his partner.

"I am not telling you. Just drop it, okay? Did the girlfriend give Gibbs anything useful?"

"Switching the conversation quickly, avoiding the issue, classic signs of being in love," Tony said dramatically, looking at Ziva as Tim rolled his eyes. Tony smiled before he continued, "No, all she said was that they had dinner and Carter dropped her off at her apartment because he had to get back to his ship so he could go on duty. Gibbs believes her."

"He does?" Tim asked, glancing at Tony and Ziva.

"Yes, he did. When he told her that he had been murdered, she broke down and cried. You could tell how much in love with him she was," Ziva said softly.

Tim looked back to his computer before asking, "So we have nothing?"

All three jumped when Gibbs replied, "Well, we'd better get something to find this killer."

"Yes Boss," all three said in unison.


Two weeks had passed with no progress being made in the case. Tim and Beth were able to go out on their date plus a few more with the case not interfering.

It was about a week after their first date that an old friend of Tim's came into town. Matthew Bower had been Tim's next door neighbor and best friend as a child living on base in Hawaii.

Matt was in town on a business trip and spent an a few evenings with his childhood friend.

Three days after Matt came into town, Beth and Tim met at the coffee shop before they headed to work. They were sitting in their usual booth, sipping their coffee.

"So, how long have you and Matt been friends?" Beth queried of her boyfriend.

Tim smiled before responding, "Since I was 9. We lived on the same street at the base housing in Hawaii. Some of the neighborhood bullies decided to pick on me. Matt put a stop to that. After that, we were inseparable. Well, until my family moved to California. We've stayed in touch over the years."

"That's awesome Tim. I have a friend like that. I hope you get to meet her sometime. Could we spend the evening at your place tomorrow? You know, movie, pizza, beer? Matt could come. I would love to meet him."

"That sounds good. I'll text Matt and ask him," he replied, pulling his phone out when it started ringing. He mouthed the words I'm sorry before saying, "McGee." A moment later, he ended the call, "I'm on my way." He closed the phone and turned to Beth.

"I know, duty calls. Go, I'll text you later," Beth said, smiling and kissing him before he left the coffehouse.


For the second time in three weeks, the team found themselves at Anacostia Park, this time a Navy Ensign. When Tim arrived, it was a minute after the team had pulled up. He walked to the now familiar spot. A strange sense of déjà vu washed over him, but he pushed it to the back of his mind as they began to process the scene.

"Our victim was killed here in the park, just like the last one Jethro," Ducky said as he was doing a preliminary report on the dead Ensign.

"How Duck?" Gibbs asked, looking around the body.

"It looks to be the same as the last one Jethro," Ducky replied.

"Who found him?" Tim asked, taking pictures of the deceased, before Ducky and Palmer bagged the ensign's body.

"Two kids were playing in the woods while their parents were walking behind them. The kids stumbled upon the body," Ziva replied. "Their parents took them to the doctor to make sure that they are okay."

"Good," Tim replied, trying to finish processing the scene. It was then he noticed a set of footprints leaving the scene of the murder. "Hey Ziva, Tony, look at this."

The two went over to where Tim was pointing and saw the prints in the soft dirt. "Lets follow them," Ziva said as Ducky and Jimmy removed the body from the scene. They walked a few yards when the footprints stopped and didn't continue.

"Okay, that is weird," Tony said, puzzled. The three fanned out to look for more when Tim exclaimed, "I found more footprints. This is really strange. Its like the person jumped behind the bush then took off." He took a few more pictures before the three returned to the van.

"That is more than we found the last time," Ziva replied as they loaded their gear.

"It is strange, that's for sure," Tony added as they got into the van.

What they didn't notice was that they were being watched as they processed the scene, followed the footprints then returned to the vehicles. The sinister figure was really only watching one person. "In due time, Tim. In due time," the figure said softly before leaving the scene as well.

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