
4.3K 31 26

Reviewer: Ashley (?)
Fandom: Supernatural
Love that show!!
Name: Judith "Jude" Amsel
This is a really good non-Mary Sueish name. I really like your choice!
Age: 12 (she would now be 29 or 30)
Species: Human (formally) Ghost
Oooh she's dead
Gender identity: Agender (calls herself that), born Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: A shade of amber, it barely touches her shoulders. If an adult, her hair would go a bit below her chest area.
Eyes: a Jade green, kind of dark or dull.
Is she a black and whit ghost, or one in colour? Supernatural has both. It doesn't affect your score, I'm just curios lol
Height: 141.1 cm (4'10)
She's very short! Even for a 12 year old
Weight/body type: 39.9 kg, kind of bulky. They are more like a 12 year old male (a little more thicker ham the female body).
That's like 88lbs! She's a little underweight if anything. A normal weight for that height would be about 90lbs and that's at the low end of the normal range.
Common outfit: She is stuck wearing a dirty black and red checkered jacket. The pants are a dark brown with hard-to-see dirt stains. The dress shirt is a magenta shade. There are mountain boots to accompany the rest of the outfit.
Likes:  The outdoors, and wilderness. Paranormal activity is her favorite. She loves adventuring but she also loves books. She's kinda new to technology, but she is interested in programming. She also likes to cook, since she would cook for herself and her family.
Dislikes: Judith doesn't like natural disasters, or the bad things humans do. That's why she prefers to be alone than with others, anyway, she dislikes romance. She is a kid after all! Animation isn't really her style, neither is video games. She is terrified of water, more like large lakes or bodies of water.
Strengths: Jude can move things slightly, can touch stuff, and travel around quickly (what ghosts do). She is a fast runner, she can also climb.
Weaknesses: She doesn't have a really strong grip though, she has fallen from a tree once. She slips a lot as well, at least when running on leaves. Iron and salt aren't in her favor too. Cat's eye shells (?).
I didn't even know ghost could slip! Cool!
Personality: She is kind and intelligent, but is also funny at times. She makes jokes in any situation, but when she is serious (which hardly happens) she becomes intimidating (actually depends on the person). Her blank stare makes people freeze (still depends on the person), since they mostly saw her positive attitude. Despite being able to make people believe she's nice person, she is actually very envious of many. She's pretty antisocial though, but she loves to be with family. Judith's positive attitude consists of generosity and purity, though being pure means she can be easily taken advantage of. She gets easily irritated too.
Cool! You might wanna think about adding a couple more negative personality traits, although you already have a few, which is great!
Disabilities: Jude has been diagnosed with some medical stuff, depression (false) and or Bipolar Disorder (also false). Anxiety was caused by the depression, Jude took medication for these (she stole the medicine from some people). She has a limp to herself though, she also is weak in her right arm.
I'm assuming she was only taking the medication before she died. I'm also a little confused about what (false) means, but that could just be because I've missed something.
Pets: none, they never got to have one.
Weapons: none, except a switch blade for when alive.
Relationship status: Single, a child can't love! (That's what adults say at least ._.)
Family: unnamed father, unnamed mother, Kunlemia Amsel (step sister), Saib Amsel (step brother).
Others: Judith is usually misgendered, which they don't mind. Judith has glasses. Jude fell from a tree and broke their arm. Jude doesn't like their parents. Judith knows Sam Winchester. Jude is attached to Sam Winchester, at least from their memory.
I wonder how she's attached to Sam?had they met before?
Review: I don't mind you posting the review.
Backstory: Judith's father used to abuse her mother in front of Judith.
So I'm sure you are already aware of this, but abusive parents (in writing) are sometimes considered cliche, and are becoming very common. So if you want to go ahead with that, then try and write it in a unique and authentic feeling way, which will make it stand out.
Judith always went outside to get away from seeing the terrible thing, and it caused her to love the outdoors. Judith became suicidal as the years went by, but people started to notice. She was given medication, she was diagnosed with Anxiety and Manic Depression (I mean Bipolar disorder). The girl was treated as an adult and was given antidepressants, sedatives were also given for her anxiety. Lithium was what was used for Bipolar disorder, but she wasn't given those just yet. After she was actually given Lithium, her mind started work and she came up with a permanent solution. Suicide. She went outside, she stumbled as her mind went blank. A razor cut into her palm as she started to climb a tall, thick tree. She sat on a branch near the top of the tree, it was holding her up well. She started to cut herself all along her arms and thighs. She shakily grabbed at a branch above her, she stood up and started to edge forward. Soon, the branch broke under her weight, and she fell all the way down. She turned so her back hit the grassy ground, she bled to death on the ground.
I always thinks it's great when people tackle tough subjects like mental health and suicide in their writing. However, if you are going to do this then please, be careful and be accurate. This is not a light topic, so make sure to do lots of research.

So, from what I can tell your character looks pretty good. I think the name is great, and she seems pretty interesting. You might want to add like one or two more negative personality traits, but overall, nice work!

Judith: 2/10

(10/10=Mary Sue)

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