Chapter 1: Return to Neverland

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They never asked me what I thought about this. They never do.

We left for a reason. I thought I would never have to return to this place again, but I was wrong.

The ship swayed side to side, the same way it used to when I was younger. It's been a long time since I've been on this ship since I have smelled the same smells since I have heard the same creaks. I hated it.

" There it is," my father said. " Neverland!"

My father hated this place as much as I did. He spent years trapped here. Why he would willingly go back to save one boy, I guess I'll never know.

The whole trip my mother and father have been arguing, it was usually when they were together. That's why they split. Well, they were never together.

It was more of a one night stand and they kept running into each other afterward.

When I was born I was too much for my mom. She wanted to be a queen and get revenge and destroy people's happiness.

There was one person in particular who she wanted to destroy.

Snow white.

I interrupted that dream of hers, so she sent me away to my father. He raised me on his ship. It would be years until I saw my mother again.

My father got trapped on Neverland and started to work for Peter Pan. He always told me to stay away from him and his boys, the lost ones.

I have never seen Pan but I have laid eyes on his lost boys. They would come to Dad when Pan wanted something. Dad would always hide me somewhere on the ship usually in my room.

I spent my childhood on the waters of Neverland, but I have never stepped foot on its soil, until now.

Pan has kidnapped Henry and now they are trying to get him back.

Aboard The ship is my dad, My mom, Snow White, David, Rumpelstiltskin, and Emma Swan.

It's a strange series of events on how everyone here got together to save one boy but I'm not the one to explain it. That's a story for later, and to be told by someone else.

After walking around for hours, the sun started to go down.

Dad said that we should make camp. Mom, of course, said that we should not waste time.

On and on they argued until it was finally decided that we should make camp. I hated it here.

I laid out a couple blankets on the ground for me to sleep on. I tried to drown out the noises of the others.

I was the last one to one to fall asleep.

When I woke up Emma was talking about a map that Pan had given her. She explained that she would only be able to find Henry's location on the map if she stops denying who she really is.

Everyone was arguing about whether if it was a trick or not. Dad insisted that it wasn't since he has dealt with the boy before. Mom thought otherwise.

She wanted to use magic to figure out where it came from and it will lead straight to Henry. On and on they argued, once more.

"Breaking Pan's rules would be unwise," Dad said.

Mom kept persisting that we should use magic. Dad tried to leave the situation by saying that he was going to go get some firewood. I stopped him.

I told him I would go get it because he needs to figure out what we're going to do so we can leave this island fast.

All I really want to do is leave them. I also wanted to try and find Pan's hideout along Henry.

As I walk around I keep imagining him. What he looks like, what he acts like, and so on. I really don't know if I should be scared or not.

Having your father tell you constantly that the boy is the most treacherous villain he's ever faced and he's a bloody demon can raise a couple of red flags.

" He must be powerful" I murmured to myself.

" That I am" I hear behind me. I swung around fast, my heart pounding from the sudden voice.

He had accent along with an intimidating tone. I turned around to see a boy dressed in a patchy green shirt, dusty brown pants, and tall brown boots. He has light brown hair, smooth green eyes, and a smug smirk.

"Are you one of the lost boys?" I asked afraid of his answer. "Not quite," he says. I start to get nervous and I can hear my father's voice in the back of my head telling me how horrible he is.

"My name is Peter Pan. Who are you?"

"Ryan... Ryan Jones." I try to sound confident through my immediate nervousness.

"Ahhh. You're one of the Jones sisters, the captain's daughters that I've been hearing about. You and your sister are quite the pair. Where is she anyway?"

It was difficult for me to hear about her again. I denied ever having a sister to him. He answers back with "interesting."

He pauses for a while without saying anything, staring at me with an amused look.

I felt as if he was trying to read me. I ask him why he's here. He answers back smugly.

"I wanted to meet you, is that such a bad thing?"

"I guess not" I answer back. He continues to give me this look.

"There's a way for you to escape this." He tells me. "You have a chance to never be lonely."

"What do you mean? Escape...what?" I ask, seeing what he knows.

"You know what I mean... Ryan Jones. You can stay here, live in Neverland and never have to deal with these grown-ups," he pauses, looking in the distance. "Again."

He had no way of knowing my feelings of my family. He gave me bad vibes and I instinctively wanted to get away.

"What would you benefit from this deal of yours?" I ask, curious about why he would want me.

" Nothing... I simply figured you would want to be happy. All you need to do is stay." He leans up against a tree.

"What would you know about what I want? I'm not vulnerable to your games Pan." I say, once again trying to regain my confidence.

"Your father only told you so much for a reason." He says lifting a brow. "I'll be on my way. I'm sure will cross paths again" He starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I say grabbing his attention. "Why Henry?"

He just smiles and disappears in a cloud of smoke. My mind processes who I was just talking to. I just met peter pan.


This is not the end of it, I promise. Here is a little backstory.

For a couple of years now I have been handwriting a book called not just stories and I thought this would be the perfect place to get other peoples reviews on it.

I'll be coming out with the next part soon. I really hope you guys enjoy it and will keep reading.

Follow me on Pinterest @ryanmichelle   I have a board dedicated to this book I've been writing and plenty of Peter Pan pins.

Best Wishes!

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