Chap 3.

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The group of explorers all stood in the departing room, putting on their subzero gear and grabbing their equipment. I cursed quietly to myself about the thought of going directly into the cold but the jacket I had on was already starting to overheat me. I zipped it up to my neck nonetheless and started checking my own gear. I stood off to the side of the group, as I zipped up the backpack that contained my gear.

"Alright everyone listen up! Gather round!"

I looked up at the sound of Lexa's voice as the group circled her. I slid my backpack on and walked over to join the hustle.

"It is my job to keep you alive on this expedition and I need your help to do that"

The soft happy voiced Lexa was gone and a stern hardened one replaced her as she eyed down each individual.

"Since I don't have time to properly train you I'm laying down three simple rules. One, no one goes anywhere, alone. Ever. Two, everyone must maintain constant communication. Three, unexpected things are going to happen, when they do, no one tries to be a hero. Understood?"

She looked around the group as they mumbled replies as she let her gaze fall on a fellow with a long scar running from his mouth to his ear.


"Yes ma'am"

I snorted softly. He wouldn't be one to play hero, I could feel it. As the group departed to continue getting ready I spotted Maxwell headed my way.

"Miss Hypho"


"I sense you have your gear?"

I nodded to him, shifting the bag.

"Good. And-"

"I'm on the down low. Yes. Relax, ex British special forces"

I smiled lightly when he sent me a look.

"My Covers grand"

"Good. We depart immediately"

Getting into large redesigned snow ploughed the expedition team started heading to our destination. I sat with another stranger on the team and made little small talk. I was excited now, as the reality drew closer. Soon we came to a large hill and clambered out from the vehicles. We walked to the edge and I found my way to be by Lexa's side. She took a flare gun out and pointed it up to the sky, firing. I watched as it ignited and shined light down on the land below. Old buildings stood silent, like an old forgotten graveyard.

"It's an abandoned whaling station. According to your satellite information Mr Weyland the pyramid is located directly beneath it"

I looked at Lexa then forward. We all got back into our ploughs and headed down to the station. I jumped out as soon as it stopped and walked a bit off. I looked back behind me, to ensure no one had their attention on me. I started walking, going into one of the old broken down buildings. It looked like an old room, with a crumbled bed frame and a bedside table. I shined my torch along the room, the large moon in the sky did great to light the outside but little inside. Everyone had gone missing from here in 1904. No one knew why. I turned to exit and a dark patch caught my attention. Walking to the other side of the room, I shined my light on it. Up along the wall was a large burned mark, etched into the wood. I raised my hand and gently traced my finger tips along it. It was definitely burned but there were no scorch marks. And what fire burned in an arch, leaving the other wood untouched.

"Hey! Over here!"

I looked up at the faintly yelling voice and turned, walking out. I reached the group who stood around a large tunnel that travelled down into the earth.

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