Chap 5.

550 15 2

Coming off the stairs we walked down a narrow corridor. Soon it opened up into a larger one, with large statues of these humanoid looking creatures, standing with large spears in their hands. Maxwell and his boys never lowered their rifles, the green laser points darting around the room steadily. Lexa looked up.

"Recognise what's on their shoulders?"

Sebastian nodded slowly.


I looked up at the shoulder then hummed softly. It looked a lot like the artefacts Maxwell had taken from the sarcophagus.

"We worship these things?"

Maxwell frowned lightly, in deep confusion. Sebastian approached a wall and traced the glyphs.

"According to this we did. The artefact you removed from the sarcophagus seem to be their weapons"

I walked up to Lexa's side.

"Lexa. There's something I should tell you about myself"

I looked at her.

"Later, alright? First let's get everyone out safely"

She smiled lightly then started walking. I sighed softly, shifting my backpack. What was in my bag could possibly help us be safe. The hallway was silent as we walked. I kept my eyes on the shadows, nooks, crannies. I jumped when there was a loud thunk and we all whirled around to see a rifle on the ground and one of the gunmen gone.

"Take cover!"

Maxwell ordered. I grabbed Lexa's arm and Weyland's, pulling them both to the side of the room and behind one of the statues sides. Maxwell and his men went side to side, their laser pointers flicking across the room urgently as they looked for our attacker. I couldn't wait any longer. I dropped my backpack off and yanked it open. Pulled the collapsible rifle out I attached it together and slapped a magazine in.


I looked at Lexa as she looked at me in confusion.

"I'll explain later. Right now just stay behind me"

I nodded to her, gripping my rifle as I scanned the area. Out of nowhere a large spear is thrown and slams into one of the gunmen, piercing him to the wall. The rest of the men open fire, some yelling in a panic. The darkened room flashes with each gunshot. I press backwards into Lexa and Weyland, making sure no idiot caught them in a crossfire.

Without warning the pyramid started to shift, walls sliding towards one another, the ground coming up. One gunmen slipped into a opening in the floor and was too slow as it started to close, locking him in. I looked back to see the door ahead starting to close.

"Go for the door!"

I grabbed Lexa, pushing her. She grabbed Weyland's arm and started running.

"Come on!"

Graeme ran back into the moving maze to grab one of the gunmen only for the walls to close behind him, separating us. Weyland, Lexa, Sebastian, Maxwell and myself all stood and watched as we were closed into a room, the walls and floor locking us in together with no where to go. With a deep sigh of relief I lowered my gun. We may be trapped but that thing I had caught a glimpse of, couldn't get in. I leaned against a wall, looking up I caught Lexa's eyes. She looked at me then the gun in my hands.


I lowered the rifle completely and silently as she approached.

"Your with Maxwell's team?"

I shook my head softly.

"No. I'm a separately hired contract. I really was brought on as an emergency"

Lexa leaned on the wall next to me, folding her arms.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't think it was important. Then I saw how you reacted to Maxwell's weapon. I couldn't distract you from being our leader. I didn't want you to distrust me"

Lexa sighed softly and nodded gently.

"I understand. At least we have a bit of protection from whoever that was"

Whoever. Or whatever. I casted the thought from my mind and I smiled softly, in apology and in thankfulness that she understood. I paused for a second.

"Oh shit"


"I left my backpack. It has rounds for my rifle"

"You don't have any on you?"

"No, only the mag I have in"

I looked at Lexa.

"You guide us out of here. I'll cover your back"

We both smiled at one another softly. For the next few minutes we sat in silence until Sebastian's watch beeped. Lexa looked up at him then approached. I looked away, placing my rifle in my lap as I thought. I had to save my bullets, waste nothing. Could that thing even be hit? Especially when I saw it disappear, turn invisible before my eyes? I sighed softly, leaning back. I had to. My job was to keep them safe.

Everyone looked up quickly when the grinding of stone sounded and the walls began to move again. I stood quickly, raising my rifle. A small entry way opened and me and Maxwell moved in first, aiming our rifles down, shining the weapons torches in. I looked at Maxwell and he nodded.

"Stay together"

He gave Weyland a pat as the older man coughed gruffly. We all headed down the passageway.

In the middle of the huntTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon