Ending: The Final Chapter

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Ayva stood outside the school gates, a glittery gold unicorn backpack strapped tightly to her back. She was smiling at the friends she had made over the time she had been at school, smiling yet still having a few rebellious tears sneak their way down her cheeks.

Saying goodbye was a sad event no matter how happy you are.

Individually hugging each one of those idiotic five males (who had improved over the years and finally stopped calling themselves the Handsome 5) alongside the little brat that took a sneak peek at her panties on the first day, she hugged the few female friends she had made over the years and when her precious uke's ex-boyfriend went for a hug she did what every best friend should do — she ignored him.

Giving another wave and pulling the classical explorer hat over her head, Ayva's face broke out into an even bigger grin. She once again adjusted the straps of her shimmering bag and gave one last smooch to her favourite dinos before skipping away, only flinging her hand up in goodbye.

Daniel sighed at his best friend's natural cold-heartedness. By now he hoped the others understood that this was how she was, not very conscious of other people's feelings and often rather detached.

One of Ayva's newer friends — those who didn't know her as well — frowned, opting to ask Daniel her question instead of asking the crazy girl herself.

"Why doesn't she just stay here or settle down? She's rather loved, everyone would happily accept her and if she wanted, donate their money to her. So why does she want to keep mucking around? It's not like she has any big interest in discovering things and the like."

Daniel froze, turned around to look at his best friend who was waiting in the distance, her hands placed sternly on her hips. After seeing this, his smile became much gentler and he turned back to Dianne — the girl who asked the question.

"Ayva's a free spirit, she can't be chained down to one place, person or society. That's just who she is, and she's been like that since she was born."

Dianne frowned, tilting her head to the side slightly. "But don't your friends and family matter? Doesn't she want to have a home to go to at the end of the day?"

Daniel sighed. Some people could never understand his bestie. 

"Some people are born to be free Dianne, Ayva's one of them."

She still seemed discontent with his answer and was about to answer when from the distance called out a very familiar, energetic voice:


Chuckling, Daniel did one last round of goodbyes before hoisting his own backpack up once again and running towards Ayva standing against the sun. When he reached her, all their friends waiting at the gate saw them wave their final goodbyes, link hands and walk off.

Little Jun started to cry, the Cringe 5 took comfort in one another, Daniel's ex broke out into tears and his new girlfriend had to comfort him while the dinosaurs all just looked at the spot Ayva left in sadness. Dianne just stood there confused, she still didn't understand.

"N-Now whos pretty legs will I get to look at?..."





Ayva was panting hard, this was strenuous exercise.

Daniel was panting too, they had been at it for hours.

And this is why we don't exercise.

Finally, Ayva reached a glove-encased hand above the top and was met with Daniel's own. She grinned as he helped heave her up. Standing safely on the ledge, she pulled Daniel's head down and gave him a good noogie on the head. This was her own personal stamp of approval.

The two sat down, ate some food and stared down at the view below. The sun had just started to sink and now they got to watch a very Tumblr-worthy sunset. A Tumblr sunset on a very high place where one slip down the side means death mind you.

Three years, a whole three years they had been travelling. The two had had some very strange encounters and for some goddamn reason, Ayva would get along with basically everyone in the small towns they passed by.

She said it was because she was a good person with a great personality.

Daniel said it was because she could hold her alcohol as well as any of those old heavyweights.

That was the only reason they liked her compared to him — Daniel was a lightweight who could get drunk off a middy while Ayva could scull ten pints and still be completely fine. Alcohol seemed to be a very important part of their culture and the more you could drink, the more accepted you were.

With a grin, Ayva grabbed a memory crystal gifted to her by the dinosaurs and took the equivalent of a picture. She let out a happy laugh as she stood up, walking to the edge of the ledge and throwing her arms out wide.

"Damn I'd kill for a Red Bull right now."

Daniel chuckled, secretly taking a picture of Ayva before going to stand beside her, his arm hanging over her shoulder as she moved to do the same as him.

"Then you'd have wings."

Ayva nodded her agreement and shut her eyes,  feeling the wind blow through her wild hair.



Ayva and Daniel lay side by side on the soft bed of grass, a happy content smile on their face. Looking over to his best friend of all time, Daniel felt the urge to ask.

"Ayva, I have a question."

"Go ahead, we're about to die anyway." She was happy with her life and ready to leave this world.

"What's your sexuality?"

Ayva seemed to think about this question before letting out a small shrug.

"Honestly I think I'm gay. Bet you weren't expecting that, were you?"

And that did surprise Daniel, Ayva had never shown any interest in any person beforehand let alone a woman. He chuckled. His best friend admitted she was gay on their death bed. There was just something so comedic about that to him.

"I love you Ayvs."

"Love you too Danny boy."

And then there was silence.


And there is the ending. Sorry to all the shippers that wanted them to end up in a relationship but at least they died together. They were never going to get together, my apologies. For me, Ayva's personality would never truly allow her to be properly in love with someone and to be together with them. She's just one of those people that belong to no one in terms of love but everyone in terms of friendship and love. Never had I thought of actually making her settle down with someone — to set her free to roam the world was always the plan.

In case you were wondering, they spent their years travelling the world. Then they died happily surrounded by one of the places they loved the most. It felt nice writing an ending to this story because I had it planned from right at the start of the book.

And the two didn't die young, they died at around 90. Overall they lived a happy and content life.

Also, a middy and a pint is beer.

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