Chapter 3

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Chris slipped into the Tortuga, checking to see if anyone else was around. Seeing the coast was clear, he plopped down in a chair by the communication console, before feeling a light squirming. The baby showed off toothless gums in a heart warmingly adorable yawn. It opened it's eyes, gazing at it's surroundings. It then noticed it was pressed carefully against a green wall, a wall that made noises like gurgling and a steady booming. The eyes went up and connected with a pair of large brown eyes, as well as a face attached to the wall of green. It didn't know why, but it felt safe around this gentle giant, and made squeaky cooes at him. Chris chuckled as the baby cooed at him, almost as if trying to talk to him. He decided to indulge it a bit and made little animal noises at it, grinning when he realized the baby loved it. "Hey, Chris, whatcha making animal sounds for?" Martin asked, entering the room with Aviva, Koki and Jimmy right behind him. Chris turned in the chair and the four other adults went still in disbelief seeing the almost microscopic baby. But none were more surprised than the blue Kratt brother. Suddenly Aviva and Koki bolted past him, kneeling around Chris, under the baby's cuteness spell. "Where'd you find a tiny baby, Chris?" Jimmy asked, wiggling his finger at the baby, who was curiously studying the redhead. "Well... I didn't really find it, it was sort of entrusted to it's late mother." The crew's hearts broke upon hearing that. They all looked at eachother and smiled, all of them thinking the same thing. Because Chris was the one the baby was entrusted to, he would be it's daddy, while Martin, Aviva, Koki and Jimmy would be it's aunties and uncles. "Let's do a quick health check, to ensure this sweet little paquete de alegría, won't have health issues." Aviva said As she flew to her workstation, Chris following behind her, cradling the baby so it wouldn't be jostled around too much. "I know, I'll keep it occupied with creature imitations!" Martin declared before crawling around on the floor and squeaking. The baby made bubbly giggles, obviously being the only one enjoying Martin's antics. Aviva was quick in getting a quick scan before turning to her computer. "Let's see...weight:0.05 ounces. Height: 0.78 inches. Health problems: none. Gender: female. Alright, CK, she's 100% healthy." Aviva said. Chris was glad that the baby was alright, and now that he knew the baby was a girl, naming her would be easy. "Wow! I've got a niece! I can't believe it! I'm an uncle!" Martin cheered, skipping around like a kid on a sugar rush. "And you can just go mini-sized to take care of her, Chris." "Actually, no he can't, Martin-" Koki stated as she approached the blue Kratt,"-Because someone forgot to collect the miniturizer and it got trampled by wild bison!" Martin groaned when the technician smoked him upside the head. "Well, I can fix it to where it'll shrink objects, but it may take sometime before living things can be mini-sized. We'll pick up some baby supplies first thing  in the morning, but for now, it's late. We should all get some sleep."... Chris leaned back on his pillow, Martin standing on the ladder leading up to his bunk, while their little treasure was idly playing with a fold in Chris's pajama shirt. "You know, she's probably the best to ever happen in my life." Chris murmured, gazing at her fondly. "Well, looks like your dream came true, Chris. You got the child you always wanted. Martin said as he settled in his bunk and the lights dimmed to where the neon lights that lined the brothers beds lit up, acting as a nightlight. Chris saw the infant rub her eyes sleepily with little fists, before sticking her thumb in her mouth. As he gently tucked her in over his beating heart, the perfect name came to him. "Welcome to the Wild Kratts family... Little Cassidy..."

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