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  • Dedicated to booknerd72

I tapped my finger rapidly on my desk as I read the test.

Question 23: write a paragraph on the causes of world war 2.

Crud. I'm going to fail this test. I skipped it and went on to the next question.

Question 24: explain America's battle plan.

Crud. Skip.

Crud. Skip. Crud. Skip. Crud. Crud. Crud.

I laid my head on the desk. Okay reread. It's just nerves.

Eventually I finished the test with thrifty minutes to spare. So I asked if I could be dismissed early. When the teacher said yes practically ran out the room an into the bathroom to fix my makeup and hair. I straightened my shirt and skirt. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You are beautiful. You are brave. And you are going to tell garet how you feel." I gave myself a mini pep talk. Okay my ten minutes are up. Garet should be out of class by now. I Walked out of the bathroom and into the hall near Garets first period class. I felt my courage dwindle away. I felt sick to My stomach. " God please give me strength." I mumbled. Suddenly the bell rang. Garet walked out of class.

"Um..hi..Garet..." He stopped and we made eye contact. What on God's green earth have I gotten myself in to? How do I, a book loving geek and disney princess wannabe, have a chance with THE most popular football player in school. I mean he has dated every single girl who was even the least bit attractive and I was not one of those girls. My mind went blank. I might as well just die now.

After a moment of awkward silence garet spoke up. "What do you want?" He asked coldly and impatiently.

"Well, I've had a crush on you for sometime and I was wondering if..." he cut me off laughing.

"Who are you?"

" I'm genuine. We have gone to school together for years now." I stated dumbfound.

"Really? you don't look familiar...."

I quickly grabbed my glasses out of my bag and put them on. He laughed even harder.

"Oh! Your the book nerd who always wears the cat meme, disney princess, and Dr. Who t-shirts." He said each word with distaste.

I clutched my book filled bag against my chest. Is reading a bad thing? Disney princesses are awesome. Right? And doctor who? I mean I would jump into the tardis without looking back! And cats are my life!!!! How could he not like these things?

I fake smiled nervously. "That's me."

He looked at one of his friends who had stayed behind with him. "Is she serious?"

I put my hand on my hip. Jerk! " I am serious. I was just hoping you would give me a chance and..."

"Okay Look. There is no way this is going to work. Sorry. I have to get to class." He walked off laughing with one of his friends. Suddenly, girl who had watched what just happened came up to me. I could tell she was about to do something terrible.

"Try losing a few pounds and getting plastic surgery. Then he might say yes. Oh, and.." She laughed. "Disney princesses really?" I shoved her out of the way so hard she fell on her butt. Tears were streaming down my face. I tried to look her in the eyes, but the tears were blurring my vision.

" you freak!" She squealed.

"You look like Ursula and you sound like a dalek. You need to be exterminated."

"What does that even mean?!?!?" She whined. I didn't answer. I ran off. I could see other faces staring shocked. That was the most I had ever talked this year. I Was usually the shy girl in the corner who never said a word, but today I was the brave women with the broken heart. I didn't spend much time looking at the awestruck crowd though. I ran off to the bathroom. Well I tried to anyway. I tripped and fell on my face. My nose popped and blood started pouring out of it. I glanced up to see a kid with his foot out. I had tripped over his foot! He tripped me! I couldn't look up anymore. I just laid on the ground. Blood still gushing from my nose. Soon a puddle of blood formed near my head. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the tall blonde step away. Then he disappeared behind a corner. Before long no one was in the hall way. I was alone. No one came to my aid. No one checked on me. I gave up. After a few minutes. Stood up and limped to the bathroom. My nose was completely broken. I didn't want to have to explain anything to a nurse so I stuck toilet paper up my nose and wrapped a scarf that I had found in my purse around my head. Then I wiped off all the makeup I had on. I took down my hair an put on my glasses. I'm done. I'm not going to dress up to please anyone anymore.

Then I stared in the mirror.

"Loose a few pounds and then maybe some one will like you. Dye your hair or get a nose job or else you are going to die a crazy old cat lady." I said to myself. "Fairytales aren't real grow up. You are no Cinderella or Ariel or belle or snow white or rapunzel or anna or aurora or tiana or Jasmine." I practically screamed at myself. "You are no disney princess." Then I marched out of the bathroom. As the door slammed behind me I stopped dead in my tracks. The tall male blonde that tripped me was sitting outside the girls bathroom. Which was strange, because I had been in there for almost an hour and this was supposed to be the middle of second period. His brown eyes sparkled when he saw me. I crossed my arms and went to turn away when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you want." I inquired. The scarf that was wrapped around my nose and mouth muffled my voice. I just wanted him to go away.

"I just wanted to say..."

"What? That I'm a looser? That you do me a favor by triping me because My nose looks better than it did before!" I said while I ripped off the scarf around my head revealing my crooked blood stained nose.

He looked hurt and appalled. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trip you. Look I know your day has been rough..."

"Oh really? Hadn't noticed!" I snapped.

He looked utterly offended. "I just wanted to apologize. I hope your day gets better. i should go to class now." he turned to walk away.

oh my gosh. I am being the jerk! He just wanted to apologize and I started yelling at him. I mean he did not mean to trip me so......

" No wait, I'm sorry. I'm just having an awful day. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I put my head in my hands. "I'm sorry for being such a cretin."

the blonde kid laughed. "cretin? I didn't even know that was a word!"

I giggled. i suppose it is a strange word. "Sorry, i read the word recently in a book and couldn't help but add it to my vocabulary..."

he laughed even harder. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, but you have to be one of the strangest girls i have ever met."

"Well, then..." i mumbled and went to exit, but he stopped me again.

"not a bad strange but... I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to come across so mean. My name is Eric by the way."

I laughed so hard I snorted. I quickly covered my mouth, but it was so funny i laughed even harder. then Eric started laughing.

"What are we laughing at?" he said inbetween laughs.

"Your name!"

he stopped laughing. "what's so funny about my name?"

"Eric is the name of the prince in The Little Mermaid . I just found it funny that you both have the same name. My name is Genuine."

"You have no right to make fun of my name with a name like 'Genuine'." he said joking.

Before i could come up with a witty insult the bell rang. A ton of students were about to flood the empty halls.

I quickly covered my nose with the scarf again.

"bye, Prince Eric." I said with a bow.

He laughed as he walked away.

suddenly i realized i felt a lot better about the whole 'prince charming' thing. but on my way to class i couldn't help but think of how terrible Garet was and how mean that one stranger was as well. I crossed my arms trying to ignore the curious stares directed towards me and my scarf-wrapped head. I couldn't help but feel the anger rising inside of me. If only they knew what had happened. I wanted to cry and stuff my face with box after box of chocolate, and then cry about being so fat and wishing i hadn't eaten the chocolate. I just wanted this nightmare to end.

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