The Big Moment

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Melissa's POV:

"You really passed out and no one believed you..."

"Oh" Tasia said. It looked like she was still out of it until..

"Counting down the minutes until Matthew Espinosa and friends hits the stage" the DJ announced.

Tasia's eyes widened so much they almost popped out!

Tasia's POV:

"Until Matthew Espinosa and friends hits the stage"

As soon as I heard his name my head snapped towards the vine stage, there were only a few girls there, I ran full speed no stopping me, After I got to the stage I realized I left the girls there, but soon after they caught up with me and got to front row right next to me.

We had the perfect spots, especially me I had front row right in the middle.

"1 more minute" Nicole squealed!

My heart never pounded so fast.

The lights stared flashing andthe drum roll began


I've never heard so many girls scream in my life.

When Matt was talking he looked straight at me... And never looked away." I was in awe, I stopped screaming and it seemed like there was no one else in the world, excpet for the 2 of us.

Nash shook Matt out of his daze and they continued to perform.

Kaelyn's POV:

I looked over at Tasia and she was starring at the stage, when I followed her eyes I realized she was starring at Matt, and Matt was starring at her.

Aww that's so cute I thought, I kept glancing at Shawn hoping he would look back but he never did.."

Melissa's POV:

Carter kept on looking at me and my heart pounded faster and faster everytime he did. Wow his eyes were perfect. Carter got off stage and joined the crowd, I hugged him and I never felt so special in my life. He went back on stage.

Nicole's POV:

"WOOO NASH I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed over all of the other girls.

That sure got his attention when J said that I really didn't realize how loud I was, Nash looked at me and we locked eyes, it was so perfect.

Ashley's POV:

I was really quiet in the crowd, I guess I couldn't get over the fact that Taylor Michael Caniff is a real person and he doesn't just exist behind my phone screen. I guess I was so quiet I was drawing a certain someone's attention.. Taylor. I realized he was looking at me only when Tasia nudged me and pointed to Taylor. I blushed immediatly when I saw him, he blushed too and we looked away fron eachother.. "Wow" I said to myself.

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