Chapter 2

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Its 8:45 when my alarm goes off and I have to rush off into the showers to get there before everybody else does. I share a dorm with three other girls; Emma, Shay and Meika.

I rush off to the shower hastily grabbing my clothes. I see Shay already there and we talk for a bit before I realise classes start in ten minutes!! I have the most rushed shower ever and have no time to wash out the conditioner in my hair. I grab my dress and shoes and hastily shove them on before running after the bus to the next stop.

When the bus finally comes to a halt, I am panting uncontrollably and out of breath. I wipe my card and grab a seat at the back. The ride to school is long and boring and no one that I know has gotten on the bus yet. I am forced to listen to the crappiest music on the radio that the bus driver likes listening to. Uhh its going to be a looong ride.

As the bus pulls up at school I see Shay and wave. She likes to be an hour early to school so she caught the earliest bus.

We grab our bags and shove them in our lockers, and take time to apply a second coating of Strawberry lip gloss. I top up my mascara and borrow Shay's eye shadow. I get my books together before checking my schedule for today.

"OMG, we've got frickin history today!!" I hear Shay scream.

"Calm down, we've got a sub today as well," I whisper as I see Principal Thorpe screaming at kids to go to their classes.

Shay and I slam our lockers shut before rushing off in the opposite direction to principal Thorpe.

As we rush to class I see Jace with his gang brushing his bangs out of his eyes. He has the most wonderful green eyes ever and short blonde hair with a cute fringe to the side. Hurry up and kiss me Jace!! I think to myself.

Shay looks at me and then at Jace and then looks at me again. I can see the grin growing on her face as she purposely bumps into me, making all my books drop to the floor. Within seconds I am snaped back to reality and I am gaping like a fish as I see Jace bend down to pick up my books. I stare at him for a few seconds while he is holding out my books excpecting me to take them from him.

"Nikki!!" Shay nudges me sharply in the stomach.

"Oh, um t-t-thank you," are the only words my mouth can form at the moment. My stomach has butterflys in it and my brain is having a major dance party and the whole world is invited.

"I haven't seen you around much," Jace says with a grin holding out his hand, "I'm Jace and uh, I think, are you, umm, nikki, by any chance?"

"Oh, yea I am," I stutter.

"Oh great," Jace says and I shake his hand, "I'll see you around then?"

"Uhh, yea hopefully, I mean I hope to see you around in a friend way, not in a love way, just a friend way," I blurt out stupidly. Uhh I must've sounded so stupid just then! Now he'll never want to date me. I'll always just remain 'that crazy weird girl' in his mind. Why do I have to be so clumsy and weird when it comes to Jace?

"Uhh, yea sure, see you around babe," he says and with that he walks away as if nothing had happened.

I feel like my whole body is on fire and that I am glowing on the outside and inside. At this time and place I didn't care what people called me, I didn't care if people walked by and called me hopelessly in love because I guess you could say I was. All I cared about at that moment was the fact that my crush had known my name (yaaaay!!) And that he had also called me babe. That was a huge thing for me although he probably says it to every girl he walks by. I don't even care. He said it to me and thats all that matters. I am most certainly hopelessy in love, and to celebrate this amazing time in my life, I am going to party all night tonight and get drunk and hopefully Jace will be there and we can make out or something. If only.

As I am snapped back to reality by Mrs. Briges asking me a question, the bell goes and we all hurry out of the classroom.

We have a short day of school today because every Friday we get to leave school at recess to give us studying time but most of us use it to prepare for the party thats later to happen.

Shay and I catch the bus home and change into shorts and a singlet before walking to the mall to prepare for the massive party tonight.

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