Meet the Twins

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I do not own Avatar the Last Airbender, or it's characters. I only own Kayta.



"Push! That's it just a bit more." An elderly midwife coaxed.

A woman with long brown locks and bright blue eyes screams as she give a final push. A small cry came from where the midwife sat. She held a baby girl with features similar to her mother: olive skin, brown hair, and blue eyes. The midwife smiled at the baby and the parents.

"It's a girl." She announced handing the baby girl to her father. The father looked joyously at the baby and his wife. "You better get ready, you're having twins it seems."

The parents had believed this to be the case, but nothing could have prepared the exhausted mother for more. She did as the midwife told her and got ready to push. The wife's screams were heard all over the village as she pushed out the little girl's twin. This child did not scream as she came into the world, she looked around with wide eyes quiet as a mouse.

"Oh my, well it's another girl." The midwife shakily announced. "Though she, err, seems to be a bit different than her sister."

The midwife held out another girl to the parents, but this one looked nothing like either parent. She had one amber eye and one silver, red hair, and the olive color was not apparent in the girl, but perhaps it would come in her later years.

The parents were a bit shocked at their other daughter's appearance, but proud nonetheless.

"What will you name them?" The elderly midwife questioned. The father was holding the first born and the mother held the second born. They looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"We will name the first born Katara and the second born...Kayta."The father announced.

The girls grew up, Katara turned out to be a waterbender, the only one in the Southern Water Tribe, and Kayta surprised everyone. Kayta turned out to be a firebender, how this happened is a mystery perhaps her genes just mutated, or maybe they are related to a firebender. No matter what the first was found to be a waterbender and the second a firebender.

Fast forward 14 years

Chapter 1- Fishing

We were fishing, again. Sokka has it in his mind that since he is the oldest male in the village he has to do manly stuff. He is so wrong. So there we were drifting in the canoe, Sokka is concentrating on a fish trying to finally stab it with his spear.

"It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish." Sokka claimed. I rolled my eyes at him, he hasn't caught a fish in forever why is now any different?

Katara was examining the side of the boat and took of her glove. I being very curious looked over the edge. There was a fish, good job Sokka, Mr. Fisherman. Anyway Katara took a deep breath and started making bending motions.

I was watching the water ripple then out came the fish in a water orb.

"Nice one K." I complemented her. " Sokka, look! Look at this, it's awesome."

Sokka shushed me. I held a flame in my hand ready for a bit of payback, but Katara shot me a look that said no so I diminished the flame. He'll get something soon.

"Kayta, you're gonna scare it away." Sokka whispered. "Mmmm... I can already smell it cookin'!"

"Maybe that's you." I murmured still fuming.

Katara really wanted Sokka to see her accomplishment so she replied, "But Sokka! I caught one!"

The orb was starting to fall apart K (Katara) is struggling with the blob of water and it floats closer to Sokka, who raises his spear to strike a fish. When he cocked his arm back he burst the bubble of water causing the fish to fall back into the sea, drenching Sokka.

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