Ch.16.1: The Politics of Things

196 22 26

Edited: May, 15, 2020


Looming over Pinti like she was prey, was a granite tower barring entry inside. A two-story tall arched doorway stood before them. On the curved stone slab above the door were three words carved saying, 'Ferk Nort Citadel'. Each letter was a reminder of runic symbols, and two stone gargoyles flanked each side of the arched door. Two carved windows were lined up next to each of the gargoyles. Trying to take in all of the entrance tower at once, Pinti almost stumbled backwards.

Unlike the pristine glass skyscrapers that towered above her in Bairenshire, Ferk Nort Citadel was a monstrosity that used mixed materials with seemingly no rhyme or reason. It was made of stone, brick, wood, and glass. A musty, fresh dirt scent hovered around the walls. Through cracks seeped a strange clumpy white liquid that dripped out and instantly turned to water when it hit the sand. Stones carved to look like a tangle of tree roots climbed up the sides of the walls. They stopped around a bell keep with a weighty brass bell and the very top of the Citadel's entrance tower disappeared into the clouds.

When the gates moaned open, a sudden rush of scents overwhelmed her nostrils as hundreds upon hundreds of Humans and Halfhumans pushed passed them in droves. Suddenly, Syaraize was awake. Frowning, she looked behind at the main part of Syaraize confused where all these citizens came from. They had just been through that way and not seen a single soul, but now it was teeming with action.

"Come on," Galag called in an urgent voice. Pinti nodded and was about to follow when an elderly Human female bumped hard into her shoulder.

"Heizak." Pinti rubbed her shoulder. The female made her way to one of the many makeshift wooden stages that lined one side of the Citadel along the wall. There was a growing crowd around each of them. Pinti had to hold her nose for the collectively strong scent of lavender coming from the group nearest the entrance. It was enough to make her sneeze a few times.

But that wasn't the only thing that made her sneeze. Pinti had to wrap her tail around herself to keep warm. The inside of the Citadel was a contrasting low temperature despite it was in the middle of the desert.

The sand beneath her feet changed into cold gray marble. The dome-shaped roof let in desert sunlight but not the heat. Crystal shards hung from the ceiling and their pointed tips made her nervous. Those would certainly hurt if they fell on her. Galag explained that those were called 'icicles' and they were a form of frozen water.

"Icicles?" Pinti stared wearily up at the pointy things. Never once in her life had she seen icicles or even the white stuff that Humans liked to talk about—some frozen, but fluffy substance called snow. She rubbed her arms up and down, trying to stay warm.

"But I like the cold," Deel said as if someone had argued against him. "Why are you cold?" He narrowed his eyes at Pinti and furrowed his eyebrows. She noticed for the first time how his t-shirt sagged way too much in the front.

"Consider for a moment where I've been living," she said and sneezed. "Never once lived in the cold. Why is it so cold?" She sneezed again so hard it made her body jolt and her tail quiver.

"Ferk Nort Citadel was built directly in front of the portal." Galag explained as they weaved through the crowd. "Then they made the station. Syaraize Portal Station. It's the oldest Portal Station in all the Rings. It's cold because—"

Halfhumans with Human heads and tiger fur cut in front of her and for a brief moment she lost track of Galag and Deel.

"Fools!" came a screech and she turned her head.

The gray-haired, elderly female that had bumped into Pinti stood on a stage. Her face contorted into a snarl, she raised her fist in the air and hollered an chant. Only Humans seemed to gather there, and they joined in with her.

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