Chapter 4 The Finding

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Brooke woke up. She had shorts, a shirt that was Brandon’s and her shoes on. She  looked up and then she smelled her sister laying beside her. She also smelled paper. She rolled over and saw a piece of paper by her hand. It said “ Last night was great I’m sorry you aren’t waking up to me beside you but soon enough you will be. By the way I love you and Good morning  sweet heart I miss you already. P.s . Come find me. Then in her mind she heard “ So finally you wake up I’ve been waiting for hours. Are you ready to get started? She answered Yes, but how are you talking to me still? I kinda stayed behind sorry. But I’m far enough away that I can run if needed. I will be able to talk to you know matter how far away I am. Good, I was hoping you weren’t being serious. So how far are you from the house? I’m very far away from the my house but yours that is another story! Me and your father are talking. We are getting some clothes together for the both of you. The plan is off me and Brett are on our way for you and Britt. We’ll be there in two seconds. Then there was a tap on the window. Brooke went right for it , of course it was Brandon and Brett they really were being serious. Brittany woke up she really wasn’t happy she was rather mad. Then she got up and smelled “It’s dad and Brandon. Yes, of course you get Dad I get Brandon ok Brittany. Ok, I don’t care but I know this much I’m going back to sleep on the way. Ok what ever just get out of the window ok. Come on you two we don’t have much time. We are down to seconds. Let’s Go. Ok Dad catch me Brittany said and then jumped out the window on to their dads back because he was in wolf form. Brooke looked down and saw that Brandon wasn’t their then she felt a hand in here hers it was Brandon. Show me what you’ve got. They jumped out of the window and laughed. Brittany was all ready asleep. Brooke was on Brandon’s back she was happy to be with him. She had always dreamed to be with him. To Brooke  Brandon  was the one she wanted to spend forever with and now she could. Even though now the rest of her life was till death which the only way that was going to happen was if some one went crazy and decided to kill her or him. It was a better life one she had wanted to live in  for ever and was going to she was happy in her own little fairy tale. That was now her life. Then she heard Brandon I’m happy you feel that way Angel. I was hoping you would love my life. It is very much like a fairy tale. So how do you like me always being in your mind? I like it but the question really is how do you like being in my mind? I love being in yours. I will always know how you feel about things I do or have done. I like it for the same reasons. It is great to be in your mind. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me waiting eighty years really did me a lot of good. I found my other half. I hate to change the subject but we need to hunt soon. Your sister really needs it ok. Ok so what do we hunt. I’m hungry! Ok ten we need to hunt with out a doubt. I love you! I love you too! Hey I hear a heard of deer. Shall we go eat? They sure do smell good. Brandon do you want the first one? No, you can have the first one Brooke I just ate not so long ago. It’s not that bad of a thrust yet. I will eat once every one else has. Ok is there enough? There should be a pack travels in pairs so there should be at least five or six. Ok! So how do I do this how do I attack? I’m not for sure how to do all of this. I just know they smell good. Well let your instincts kick in. Brooke did as she was told and got a big twelve point. It was huge but it had a lot of blood it was very satisfying for Brooke. She was good at hunting her sister and dad had blood on them Brandon and Brooke had none on them. It was like Brooke had been a vampire for all of her life. She was very good at every thing Brandon through at her. Brandon was proud of Brooke he gave he a smile and then lend in to hug her but instead he bit her neck. It didn’t hurt it actually felt good to her she enjoyed it. Then Brandon tilted his head to were his neck was in Brooks face. In her mind she heard your father and sister left it is time for us to exchange blood. Bite Me! It wont hurt it will fill just like yours did. It will make you stronger. I promise you need it please just bite me. But what if I can’t stop? Wont it hurt you If I can’t?   Brooke that’s the thing you are full of and vampire blood is bitter and hot very hot. Ok, so animal blood is sweet and delouses and vampire blood is bitter and nasty. Yes, you half to drank at least a cup of my blood to make the change. Ok, I think I can handle that much.  So Brooke bit into his neck it wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t all that good either  it was just ok. In her head she head Brandon talking her thought it all. He was counting off how much she had then she heard the words that she thought she was never going to hear Brandon said Honey you can stop you have had enough. Brooke was fast to stop she hated the taste of vampire blood. They heard a snicker from the woods and the automatically knew who it was. It was Evan. Evan what are you doing here? I’m so sorry brother to intrude but I needed to see Brittany. I love her with all of my heart. I really want to help her and fast so we can all live together. Ok, well at least let them have a little time to talk you really need to hunt. When was the last time you hunted? It was a week ago! GO HUNT RIGHT NOW. If you don’t you might do some thing stupid and she can’t see you like this you look bad Evan you need to feed and fast. If you did that stupid thing I wouldn’t be able to stop Brooke from killing you and I don’t think I want to loose my little brother by the way were is Kirstan? I thought she was coming with you and Brittany. She is at the meeting place you know the meadow. Ok, well go hunt now ok. Ok but when I come back we must leave. We will leave when I say. What ever Brandon I’ll be back. Ok  would you go already I’m not suppose to be baby sitting. Brooke lets go and talk to Brittany. Ok, I don’t want to leave her. Well Brooke you don’t have to but it’s for the  best if you both just separate for awhile. But you don’t understand. Brooke yes I do Honey remember my little brother and little sister are leaving. Your sister could kill them. I was just trying to save you from seeing a part of your sister you don’t want to see. What you don’t get is she’s not going to be the Brittany we both know and love she’s going to be a beast. I know I kinda get it now. I really want to help her and now I know it would be best for me to let her go with out me. They were walking to were they left Brittany. She was sitting on a rock asking us what was wrong with her. So I told my little sister that there was nothing wrong with her. She was just a vampire and was going through a lot of different things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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