Beginning in the Middle

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I believe introductions are in order.

Hello, my dear readers! I am Unknown901, but you can call me unknown. This is partially because I wish to remain anonymous, and partially because I am too unoriginal to come up with a better username.

So, as some of you may know, this is not the beginning of my story. The beginning is oh-so-creatively entitled, "My Diary: and Interactive Project. Sort of." As suggested by that title, it is just the story of my life, starting around the beginning of my freshman year of high school and ending in the middle of the summer before junior year. Unfortunately, it did not get a proper ending because I was not aware of the chapter limit on this website. Alas, it ended in the middle of an important occasion. So If you would like to read the beginning, that would be great! However, it is 100 chapters long, and about as many pages, and I know that can be kind of intimidating.(Also, if you do read it, keep in mind that my writing gets better as I the story goes on and I develop my style and grow as a writer.) So I am going to give all of the new readers a brief introduction!

To start off, you are probably wondering why my life is worth reading about. Honestly, I wonder that myself sometimes. I'm not anything extraordinary. But I do feel like I have a unique story to share. As you will see in the coming chapters, I have a few extra issues added on to the already horrific obstacle of being a teenager. Namely, social anxiety and depression. As difficult as it is to admit, they are both very serious problems for me. But this has become my refuge. This is where I can express myself in a way I never could in real life. Which is exactly why this shall forever remain anonymous.

Basically, I have two main purposes in writing this: as a way to express myself, and to provide encouragement, or at least a bit of company, to anyone else who may be suffering in the same way. I am a very research-minded person, so I've spent a lot of time trying to find stories of other people like me, which is a surprisingly difficult task. So I'm trying to make it a little easier on others.

But I don't want you all to get the wrong impression! Although I do spend a lot of time talking about my problems, because that's what teenagers do, it's not always that dark. I am very nerdy in the truest sense of the word. I'm in higher level classes, and my intelligence is the only thing I'm really proud of about myself. I may not be particularly pretty or talented, but I'm smart. I'm also super obsessive about things I like. I have a lot of bands and shows and books that I get really obsessed with, and it makes me into a crazy fangirl. Along with that comes a lot of fanfiction reading and other nerdy things.

I also write a lot about my adventures with my friends. I tell a lot of stories, both positive and negative, so there are a few characters you should know. I apologize beforehand for the overwhelming number, but I'll make a note of the more important ones. I'm mentioning all of the ones I've written about previously, just in case some of them get mentioned when I thought they wouldn't. Also, if you get them confused, it usually doesn't influence the story too much. Most of the time a character's past doesn't come up.

Character list, as of now:

S - This is my sister. We are twins, and we are very similar. She's mentioned a lot, so you will get to know her pretty quickly. I also have two brothers, but they aren't mentioned often.

F2- All of the Fs are my Friends. F1 is S, so we start with F2. I haven't seen her in a while, but we were really good friends in middle school and freshman year. Going to different high schools kind of separated us. She probably won't be mentioned often, and if she is, all you really need to know is that she's an old friend.

F3- F3 is our neighbor and a good friend. She's a year younger than we are, and I won't talk about her too much, but I still see her every once in a while. She's different from my other friends in the way tht she cares a lot about having a lot of friends. She isn't popular per se, but she's definitely more outgoing than most of my friends.

Beginning in the MiddleWhere stories live. Discover now